Author Thread: Sarcasm

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Posted : 20 Dec, 2010 11:33 PM

Should a Christian use sarcasm?

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 05:23 AM

I try very hard to be as clear as possible. I ask all of my accusers to point out specific words and moments where I have insulted someone and if it was inappropriate or if I was being impertinent�I will apologize.

I have fought ignorance�tyrants�sycophants�injustice and more for a good part of my life. I have shed my blood�literally! And I have the scars and daily pains to remind me.

I am well familiar with all of those terms and�people.

I believe that anyone has a right to use sarcasm, but I feel that those that lay their lives on �the LINE� for others�have more of a Right to do so!

I believe that there are enough Christians here on this site that �OOOh and AAAH� and pick �pearls� being dropped with little figures Clapping. I rather ask the Hard questions that makes them �squirm�.

Again�please point out when I have insulted anyone.

If a person is being



Intellectually vacuous




And then �implies� that they are some kind of Godly Prophet�well�I become sarcastic.

If my words are not �clear� to you�if you are not sure of the meaning of a word�look it up or ask me to �clarify�.

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 05:26 AM


what is this "dead horse" you guys are talking about?

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 11:27 AM

Arch, You asked and I will answer.

The "dead horse" is your answers to TS in almost every conversation I've witnessed in the forums, since I came back a couple of months ago.

Your motive appears to me~ to want to make him look like an idiot and you the "all knowing intellectual" with a condescending attitude that you apologize for and then are right back at it in the next sentence or thread. I really question your heart for your brother?

If it was done in a loving, joking way, no harm done. But, it does not appear that way when you use words like, "Chuckie" and ask him if "his Holy Spirit" revealed things to him or you purposely mock his speaking in tongues after asking a (supposedly) honest question. And he answers you back with honest answers without constant put downs, from what I've observed.

That to me, is very dangerous and ungodly of you. It totally takes the focus off the subject and on to you. Your CDF name should be "thread hijacker" if you stubbornly continue to dog him in every thread. I asked you at one point if you consider TS your enemy? If so? Are you practicing Matthew 5:44?

Yes, he can be sarcastic, but I don't sense the animosity from his sarcasm as much as just playful talk. I've also seen him humble himself and apologize. You then call defending him the "Chuck worshippers or followers" and then you are talking down to me. I call it as I see it and do not worship TS or anyone else here. I would defend anyone this way, if I felt they were being unfairly picked on.

Are you jealous of him or feel like you have a mission to expose what you feel is narcissism? No matter what it is that you feel towards him~ constant mocking and trying to make him "look stupid" attitude, towards him in the forums, is a "dead horse" cause I for one avoid your posts and threads due to this annoying, immature, ongoing sarcasm. :angeldevil:

I feel that you owe him a public apology since you publicly talk down to him.

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 12:46 PM

I would rather give the straightforward, not-open-for-confusion insult of calling somebody a butthole than use belittling, hard-to-interpret-online sarcasm.

Also, using the term 'butthole' was my way of being cute and sarcastic. See how hard sarcasm is to read?! And what about your favorite thing, calling people 'liars', even when they are just sharing personal experiences you know nothing about? Isn't that kind of an insult?

And Arch, I don't know about the others but I don't respond to your interrogations half the time because you don't seem to care what we really have to say except so that you can tear it from us, stomp on it, and attack us. Or misread what we say to accommodate your outrage. Well, there are a lot of reasons.

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 02:25 PM

How about we do this�

Whenever I �upset� any of you��call� me out�immediately! Not in that Thread but in another thread that I will start exclusively for �pointing� out my peccadilloes. Fair?

As for trying to make Chuck look the �fool��I�ll leave that up to Chuck.

From reading your post Joey�I do not see how you or any decent human being could have �put� up with me? I mean

��in almost every conversation I've witnessed in the forums, since I came back a couple of months ago.�

That�s a lot!

��you purposely mock his speaking in tongues after asking a (supposedly) honest question. And he answers you back with honest answers without constant put downs, from what I've observed.�

I asked about �tongues� because I was interested in the phenomenon. Chuck answered that he was able to both �speak� and �translate� tongues. Chuck also said that when he �spoke� in tongues that he did not know what he was saying. I found that confusing! I just asked him to clarify. No one else on this site claimed to be able to �translate� tongues.

�Are you jealous of him or feel like you have a mission to expose what you feel is narcissism? �

Joey�are you implying that Chuck is Narcissistic?

But you know what Joey�Chuck is very capable of defending himself. If I�ve may him look like an idiot�well�what can I say.

But this site is really taking way too much of my time. If you see no problem with someone that was given the gift of �speaking� in tongues and was also given the gift of �translating� tongues and has exorcised demons and hates the Catholic Church because he did not Read The Bible for 28 years and then suddenly upon Finally reading the Bible and being Baptized again he received All these wonderful gifts and he also talks down to women and shows many signs of being a sexist.

If this is the type of Christian you feel is Ideal�then I am in the wrong place.

Merry Christmas and good luck!

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 02:36 PM

Don't ask a public question if you don't want a public answer. Call it "calling out" or whatever, your response is exactly what S said.

Amazing how you took this thread and turned in into a "bash Chuck" (or whoever opposes you) thread, again. A simple humbling of yourself would have sufficed, but unteachable, arrogant, diverting defense is much more attractive, right? Bless ya, Arch.

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 04:08 PM


I've read your posts and I don't see any reason you would have to assume any of those things about Chuck.

I think you are passionate about what you believe, I think you have a heart and you have good qualities, but I don't understand why name-calling is part of your agenda.

Even so, why would you use this forum to do so? I have tried not to get involved, but can we please give it a rest?

Grace and Peace,


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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 05:41 PM


As I have already said the personal attacks bother others more than it does me. But here is a perfect example of what does bother me:

This is what you said :

"If you see no problem with someone that was given the gift of �speaking� in tongues and was also given the gift of �translating� tongues and has exorcised demons and hates the Catholic Church because he did not Read The Bible for 28 years and then suddenly upon Finally reading the Bible and being Baptized again he received All these wonderful gifts and he also talks down to women and shows many signs of being a sexist."

This is what is true :

* Gift of tongues : I said; yes, but haven't used that gift in a long time.

* Translation : I said I thought I received a translation once, but wasn't sure until somebody else gave the translation.

* Exorcism : I said I was invited to help....participated

*Catholic church : I said there are Catholics that are good Christians but believe Catholic doctrine borderlines on heresy.

The Bible : I said it wasn't until I started STUDYING the for myself (without the catholic church telling me the meaning) that I left.

* Sexist : yes, I am; I believe women and men are equal, yet have been given different roles by God as evident in our design and all of nature. If we were meant to be the same God would of created us asexual.

Archimedes; A gift from me to you, Merry Christmas :

Are you being the representative of the Catholic church you desire to be?


The representative of the Catholic church I desire you to be?

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 08:46 PM

It seems much more like a Bash Arch thread at the moment.

I can't figure out, TwoSparrows and Archimedes, if you guys are friends who enjoy spirited* (and sarcastic) debate, or simply can't stand each other. As I have chosen to let you two go without any input from me, it really doesn't matter. To me, anyway. I look forward to meeting both of you on the "other side" where disagreements such as yours (and others') vanish in the glory of Christ Jesus.

*pun unintended but amusing nonetheless

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 09:46 PM

Bashing Arch? You're kidding, right?

Do you actually read his Posts or do ya just skip on to the responses 'cause his are too long?

Slow down and read what he's written and then decide who's doing the Bashing.

BTW-- Merry Christmas MountainLass and Arch. :angel:


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