" A young man and young woman get married, and want to have kids. They try for years, using every morally sound method, to get pregnant. Nothing works. After many tests, it is determined that the woman's eggs are not "normal" and cannot create a child, but her husband's sperm is fine. Not wanting to give up entirely, they turn to adoption, but for whatever reason are unable to adopt a baby or even an older child. Taking in foster children is NOT what they feel called to do.
Question: Would it be so wrong of them to use a donor's eggs and the husband's sperm to create a child that they would love and cherish?"
I would say that given all those avenues, it is not God's will that couple have a child.
Take the story of Abraham and Hagar. Abraham wanted a child, and even though he was told by God that he would have one with Sarah, he decided to take matters into his own hands. It's like saying "ok, God, you're not cooperating in giving me what I want so I am going to get it my own way." We all know what happened as a result. Yes, God still blessed Hagar and Ismeal, but look at the price that was paid - rival nations to Isreal.
I think that if there are that many roadblocks to a couple concieiving then they need to consider if they are fighting God on this and whether His message to them is really if they should have a child.
I am all for adoption, after all Jesus was adopted. I think this hypothetical case is a stretch. There are sooo many children who need good homes, I think that if it is God's will that a couple have a child, He will surely provide them with one.
Besides being a moral issue in terms of the things we have discussed (it could be adultry, where the child will grow up etc.), To me, I think all of these this adds up to saying, "No, don't mess with it".
We are God's children and we can ask for what is in our hearts...but no one has the "right" to anything. We don't have the "right" to create our own desires to make it happen outside of God's plan. We can apply this principle to our own lives. As singles, how many times have we tried to fight God for a spouse that wasn't right for us, or a home, or whatever? How many times have we tried to force something to happen that was out of God's will? I know I have!
Since Jesus was/is divine, born of the Holy Spirit, we say that he was adopted by Mary and Joseph as His earthly parents while He was here in the flesh.