Author Thread: Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 04:52 PM

Is sexual intimacy acceptable for men and women who are Christ followers? Do we have a different standard for dating? Please be able to defend your position from a biblical perspective.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 9 Oct, 2010 08:57 PM

Mr. Row:

Amen brother! I am right there with you! Men are very visual and one thought can entertain him an entire afternoon. The Lord made you that way and it is okay!

I tell women all the time to please leave something to our imagination. We have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness and any woman who reveals more than what the bible terms as modest needs to understand that we need to help the brother's out by not giving away our virtue through our clothing or lack thereof.

So sisters please dress appopriately!!!

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2010 11:51 AM

Sheperd/dave please explain your post. Are you saying sex outside of marriage is ok??????

Not to be too picky but sex outaide of marriage is not the same as sex before marriage. the problem is how you are to difine marriage. Is marriage what Jesus said? A man cleaves to his wife. They become one. Or is it some theological mumbo-jumbo that requires mankind to act unnatural.

The bible speaks of latter times (Today?) when some will teach a doctrine of devils. This doctrine says abstain from marriage and that God created it to be recived with thanksgiving. Abstienence is preached today, sure.

But does it mean do not marry and just have sex with who ever? Or does it mean they make marriage so difficult young people today just give up on it. I think to much damage has been created by pious parents who treat love, sex & marriage to be the one fruit that is forbidden to eat when it is ripe. Is sex the tree God said not eat of?

Yes, I do want my cake and eat it too. And I expect God to provide all my needs including a wife. Even at my age. Marriage is a covanant of companionship. God designed it that way. A wife that requires money for sex is not what God created for a man. You can buy a wife but not love. Oh wait, I forgot. In this economy you cannot aford a wife. Back to the doctrine of devils. Abstain from marriage, it's too costly.Abstain from marriage, your too young. Abstain from marriage, you got pregnant. Abstain from marriage, he expects too much sex. Abstain from marriage, it's too old fashion. What is marriage?

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2010 01:38 PM

Sex before marriage is the same as sex out of marriage, I can't see the difference. Wow what a stretch to justify yourself. You should have answered the fornication thread that was asking how a so called Christian justifies there sexual actions, and that is what you have shown here how to justify ones self for sinful living.

The Bible is like a prisoner of war, if touchier it enough you can make it say what you want it to.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2010 02:21 PM

Dear ShepherdingKing:

I am having difficulty following your argument. Can you please restate it with less wording in order for me to provide an intelligent response?

Thanks so much!

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2010 02:28 PM

Mr. Row:

There is no contradiction on my part regarding what the word of God says about fleeing sexual immorality. I am not justifying that each act is independent of sin just because you are not knowing someone in the biblical sense of the word. It was not a trick question I know the answer I've just heard a lot of men and women alike say that they can partake in sexual acts as long as they don't go all the way. I already know the answer it was an attempt to explorer the discussion further. Believe it or not there are some Christians who don't see kissing private body parts as a sin.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2010 02:32 PM

Mr. Row:

After reading your post again. Where you addressing me or Shepherdingking? I think you and I are on the same page.

We will have to start addressing our post to the people we are replying to in order to avoid confusion.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 11 Oct, 2010 02:46 PM

Jeremiah21 you and I "are" on the same page.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 12 Oct, 2010 09:17 AM

Good Morning Jeremiah 21:

All sin is committed in the heart. Consequently, long before the intimate touching occurs the sin was committed.

Jesus instructs His people in Matthew chapter 5 verse 27-30:

"You have heard that it is said ;' Do not commit adultery. But I say to you that whoever looks at a women to desire her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.' "

( Fornication is consensual sexual intercourse between unmarried heterosexual adults.)

In Matthew chapter 15 verse 19 the Lord discusses the human heart:

" For out of the heart comes evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander."

The bible makes it quite clear that sex between unmarried men and women and men and women outside of wedlock is sin. As to intimate touching or provocative apparel. Intimate touching or provocative clothing most likely is going to create "thoughts" of carnal desires in either his or her heart.( Which in this context is the sin of fornication.)

Consequently, Christian singles may not touch each other sexually or dress in a manner which will lead a person to sexually desire them.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 12 Oct, 2010 09:45 AM

Mr. Itasca:

Very good points. Jesus always warned us that the sin started in our hearts long before the actual act. Thanks for reminding us.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 12 Oct, 2010 11:58 AM


Why do you think I want to justify myself? I have no interest in sex before marriage. You sound like you judge people too soon. I am talking about young people who are at risk of destoying their lives through bad so called Christian couinciling on sex.


If, as you say, "The bible makes it quite clear that sex between unmarried men and women and men and women outside of wedlock is sin,"

You should have no problem quoting that verse here.

If you tell young people they should not fall in love because it is a sin you go full circle and make a good into a sin.


Here is the verse"

1 Tim4:1-5,

" Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 3 forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth. 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be refused if it is received with thanksgiving; 5 for it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer."

Your question, "Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women" I say yes. But there are some that say it is wrong, even forbiding marriage and all sex. But for single Christians, and I think that is your real question here, it must be qualified. Sexual intimacy btween single hetrosexual adults is an act of marriage. And meant for the bonding of two into one. Hardness of heart causes this bond to be put away.

Stone the homosexual prostitutes if you like, but do not condemn young people who fall in love and get pregnant. That is a type of reverse sexual abuse on young people.

Paul's letters to Timothy were the last Epistles he wrote. And he was already aware some would come and forbid all sex and even marriage.

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