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Author Thread: control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?

control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2012 03:12 PM

so I get this wink by a very beautiful women and I send her back this message.....

yea are gorgeous,what do you want with an old fat head like me?

and this is the meswsage she sends back to me....

Hmm I don't like the attitude, not very positive. Sorry to bother you.

No need to reply. I think we had a brief contact once before and it was similar. I should have learned the first time.


Ok,first of all I have quite a sarcastic.but harmless sense of humor.So from my response to her do you see that she haqs jumped to conclusions or maybe I'm sending out some weird voodoo? which would really be a joke to anyone who knows me!I'm a playful guy whoies usually .For sopme reason I justreally feal this lady is playing games here and maybe I shoiuld just report her?


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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2012 11:30 AM

Ok.. point taken

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2012 03:09 PM

lol.Young lady I have children older than you.Before you continue criticizng me any further I suggest you go impess God for a while.All you are doing here is causing frustration and strife and that most certainly is not what God defines as love!You may have some book smarts but you need a lesson in patience and respect.We have 2 eyes and ears and only 1 mouth for a very good reason!I find you to be quite rude and overbearing,acusitory and argumentative,borderline harrassing!I've no need to continue any further communication with you and would appreciate the same.

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2012 05:26 PM


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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2012 05:53 PM


Men are superficial as well, on these Christian sites. Everyone on these sites are not Believers so women have to be very careful. Men need to know how to be a gentleman upfront first impression Or he is gone. :laugh:


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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2012 06:41 PM

Yeah Mike !!! :applause:

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2012 06:46 PM

ya know I've noticed that certain individuals on these forumns tend to stick together and harrass other users! I think you all should be banned from this site and will suggest the same to the site managers.You make it a place of discord instead of love!

There is a differance bewteen discussion and crude remarks towards others because they act a certain way that might not be to your individual liking.What appears to be more popular here is personal attacks.You will know them by there fruits!Thank you for reveiling your true selves!!!

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2012 06:51 PM

I appreciate that you can somehow tell I have "book smarts" from my post. I do. I didn't mention it here, but thank you.

Here's what I don't understand: what would have been the harm in replying to that girl's post with genuine interest? What would have been the harm in assuming not only that she might like you without your million defense strategies and sarcasm? What would have been the harm in believing you have some self-worth and that a woman would not be crazy to be interested in you?

If that's rude, then just call me rude.

And people can dislike you without it being a spiritual issue. People can disagree with you without it being a spiritual issue. You can't win an argument by insulting everyone else's relationship with God.

I've never "teamed up" with anyone on this forum. Just ask them. I pretty much say whatever I, personally, genuinely think. Sometimes people agree with me. Sometimes I agree with them. Often I don't.

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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2012 06:56 PM

what would have been the harm is that would not have been me,I am whom I am before God and that's good enough for me.If it's not what you like thats perfectly fine. please MOVE ON! You arew now becoming obsesant.


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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 12 Jul, 2012 11:11 PM

I understand where both of you are coming from (but this is getting a little out of hand). I have a rather sarcastic personality myself and can get misunderstood and that can hurt, this unhealthy though.

People have characteristics that they look for in a marriage partner and friends that they know works well with their own characteristics. There is no real point in getting offended about someone not investing in a relationship that they think won't work out or may even be unhealthy. Just because you are feelings are hurt it doesn't mean that you should talk about them behind their backs and say how their faith is shallow and they are not true christians because they didn't automatically assume that just because you sent them a one line reply that everything should be flowers, and hearts and work out great.

I'm sorry that you are discouraged and that you may feel attacked. As for some advice, which is what you were originally asking for, I would be more careful about how the things that you say come across. You sound very bitter and people feel like they will constantly have to emotionally support someone who is negative or self-pitying all the time and they get drained. I was in a relationship with a person like that and I couldn't handle it. I felt like all the happiness was sucked out of me and I am not doing that to myself again.

Keep in mind that everything you post on the internet is permanent, good or bad, so you really have to be sure that you are behind your words 100% because they can never be taken back. My personal challenge to myself (and now to you) is to treat every word that I say or write as if it will be written in permanent marker on my body, "is this really what I want people to see when they see me?"'s a work in progress. Good luck.

God bless,


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control freak or jut jumping to conclusions?
Posted : 13 Jul, 2012 04:44 AM


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