Author Thread: christian sex

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christian sex
Posted : 16 Oct, 2011 07:14 AM

I have never been with a christian man, so what are the standards in the daitng game and after marriage. I would be very disappointed if the missionary position is the only relations acceptable. How far is too far in crossing the line in a guys mind and staying true to his faith. The bible does not talk about oral sex or kissing, touching, ect.

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christian sex
Posted : 9 Nov, 2011 04:57 AM

:applause: Very good sed no sex before marrige if you are a real Christian no moore to say we most obey God :prayingm:

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christian sex
Posted : 12 Nov, 2011 10:30 AM

I am glad I am not the only one who thinks oral sex is wrong and leads to lust in a ralationship. I enjoyed your post however the world would think you a prude. You will find that man who does not and accepts your convictions-God willing.

And if not then you are o.k. by yourself. I was lured into pleasing men in relationships and now that I have my kids and God, I will not compromise. I think that is what led my husband to other women of the world (to please his worldy desires) The needs of his family were not in the equation as he does not believe.

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christian sex
Posted : 26 Nov, 2011 08:11 AM

For the record and not to restate other post or state the obvious but any sort of sexual relations outside marriage is NOT acceptable. As far as kissing goes its a gray area like another member said but there's a big difference between the kissing that's for kissings sake and the kissing that is obviously foreplay and meant to arouse.

As far as sex inside marriage there is nothing, outside of bringing others into your sex life, that is 'disgusting' or not permitted.(I would an exception for toys and things like that but it's debatable.) Even oral sex. In fact the bible does talk about it in the song of solomon 2:3 "As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste." The entire book is actually quite explicit but the thing is people in general have been so promiscuous that the initial thoughts that come to mind when sex or anything related is brought up is "dirty, bad, unclean", etc. Which In reality sex was created by God to be the epitomy (point in case!! the site blocked the use of the word c-l-i-m-a-x)of the love relationship and needs to be looked at as beautiful and sacred

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christian sex
Posted : 29 Nov, 2011 07:03 AM

solomon 2 is a far cry from oral sex. it does not indicate mouth to genital contact and I do not know how you connected that up probably because you are male and young.

The sweet taste of my beloved could have been a kiss or just a metafor for his emotions at the time. solomon is about deep love not sex in my eyes. everything God is- is love based.

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christian sex
Posted : 29 Nov, 2011 06:07 PM

"I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste." It doesn't get any more obvious then that lol. I mean just look at the context.

Sex is the epitomy of love. I might be young but i'm not a sexual deviant. I hold sex in a very high regard.

You shouldn't be so quick to consider sex and sexual practices as 'dirty'. Admiration for sexual practices as the epitomy of love and lust are very, very different things.

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christian sex
Posted : 12 Dec, 2011 11:29 PM

I maybe of the old school but sex before marriage was not something my wife and I did as we had respect for each other. Honey Moon was something we looked forward to and would then know each other. As we were both Christians, we sure enjoyed sex after marriage and God blessed us with 6 children. My wife would say, as I like most men think sex and love are the same, you can get sex on any street corner, but Love Takes Time To Build. After 55 years of marriage, with the last 15 as a 24/7 caregiver, I found out that Christian love was forever.

I have a saying:

If a woman whats her oil checked, I must own the car.

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christian sex
Posted : 14 Dec, 2011 04:10 PM

thank u dear brother for u wisly words" My wife would say, as I like most men think sex and love are the same, you can get sex on any street corner, but Love Takes Time To Build. After 55 years of marriage, with the last 15 as a 24/7 caregiver, I found out that Christian love was forever."

love in him,:angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:


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christian sex
Posted : 17 Dec, 2011 12:18 PM


The bible is clear about premarital sex. Read Hebrews 13:4

"Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and the sexually immoral." (TNIV), Galatians 5:19-21, Ephesians 4:12-32.

Concerning marital sex, there are different opinions as to what is to be done or not in bed. Yet, a husband and wife are only meant to do what is mutually agreed to (read I Corinthians 7:1-16). I cannot say much on this, but ask from your pastor about it. Nevertheless, Christianity is not about legalism, but a pleasant relationship with the Lord. I believe if the husband and wife have a sweet fellowship with the Lord, they will be guided in what to do or not. The Bible might not make mention of certain things as far as sex is concerned in marriage, yet, the husband is meant to please his wife and wife the same. Each must not be selfish about his/her desire.

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