Author Thread: Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2011 09:25 AM

I don't keep up with a lot of the big-name evangelists out there. Perhaps I should, but I don't, so naturally I don't know too much about Pat Robertson.

I do know enough about him, though, that I was floored when I heard that he proclaimed that it was justifiable to divorce a spouse should he or she get Alzheimer's disease.

Last night, my singles group had a long discussion about it. We were all in agreement about the issue, surprisingly enough. (I thought for sure that there would be at least a couple people who disagreed). The general consensus of my group was that while YES, Alzheimer's is a horrible disease, it is NOT a reason to divorce your spouse. After all, don't most marriage vows contain the phrase (or something similar to it), "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickeness and in health, 'til death do us part"?

We all tried to put ourselves on both sides of the situation. If we were the person with Alzheimer's, we wouldn't want our spouse to divorce us. We agreed that maybe that is selfish, but marriage is a covenant, and it's not going to always be fun or easy. If our spouse was the one with Alzheimer's, we also agreed that we would need to remain married and faithful to him/her. If we weren't willing to deal with the possibility of a tragic, debilitating accident or illness, we shouldn't have married the person in the first place.

What do you all have to say on this topic? Is a Christian free to divorce a spouse who has Alzheimer's Disease?

I'm not trying to start any heated arguments, and I'm not addressing divorce in general...only divorce because of Alzheimer's. I'm simply curious about what other people think!

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 2 Dec, 2011 12:24 AM

No way!! for i would love him on this journey to, God would give you strenth, just as He loves us unconditionaly.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 2 Jan, 2012 08:50 AM

You know I just don't remember.:ROFL: all joking aside the answer is a big[ no] I think the vowels say till death do us part. Nothing about loss of memory. God does not have loss of memory only when it comes to our past sin. Forgiven that is. Charlie T

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 2 Jan, 2012 12:11 PM

My answer would have to be no. That would not be a reason to leave your spouse, according to God's word.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 7 Feb, 2013 10:25 PM

I am not going to even waste my time looking at any long winded messages that are as empty as the future of those who reject the Lord...

No. It's not right... I'm pretty sure that falls under the 'in sickness and in health' part of the common vows.

Just because your spouse 'doesn't know' they are being divorced does NOT clear you of such a terrible act.

I'm flabbergasted - (spelling?)

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 7 Feb, 2013 10:26 PM

I am not going to even waste my time looking at any long winded messages that are as empty as the future of those who reject the Lord...

No. It's not right... I'm pretty sure that falls under the 'in sickness and in health' part of the common vows.

Just because your spouse 'doesn't know' they are being divorced does NOT clear you of such a terrible act.

I'm flabbergasted - (spelling?)

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