Author Thread: If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!

If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 16 Aug, 2011 07:08 PM

The pastor at church regularly says this: "If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!"

I'm gonna be honest with all the young ladies out there.....If you're not willing to dress modestly, then you might as well pass me by and keep searching, because I'm not interested! I feel uncomfortable near/around women when they're dressed inappropriately. WHY??? For several reasons.....

(1) It's a temptation/possible stumbling block that ought not be there.

(2) Someone might think I approve of the way they dress, giving "me" a bad reputation.

(3) It simply isn't right in God's's disgraceful!

What can I say...the female body is beautiful the way God made it. HOWEVER, I don't believe God intends for any woman to display/flaunt it at all...yes, maybe to her husband behind closed doors, but NOT to anybody else! It doesn't matter what excuse a person tries to use to defend that kind of offensive behavior, because God doesn't accept excuses...He never has, and He never will. A woman who dresses inappropriately WILL NOT attract a decent God-fearing man...but she WILL attract the WRONG kind of men! IMMODESTY IS DISGRACEFUL! Fact is, if you dress like trash, you'll attract trash. By the way, when I see women who are dressed inappropriately, I try to turn my head in a different direction. I might be single, but that still doesn't give me any right to look at a woman who is dressed that way.

For those ladies who think it's ok to dress inappropriately, let me ask you a serious question.....What will you say on Judgment Day if someone lost their soul on account of that way of dressing??? Is it too much to ask someone to dress modestly???

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, if you have to pull it up or press it down, then you shouldn't be wearing it!

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 25 Aug, 2011 01:03 AM

Call Terminx!

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 25 Aug, 2011 11:28 PM

"Archimedes", I do Not agree with the following statement you made earlier...

"It is not what we let in through our eyes that matters."

What I don't understand is how you could even make such a statement...and especially on a Christ-based dating site! That statement you made is completely unscriptural...because it's the exact opposite of what Jesus taught!

Truth is, I try to turn my head so that I can't see a young lady if I know she's dressed immodestly. Why??? Because I need to be careful as to what I allow my eyes to see...otherwise I might be tempted to lust. Anyway, look at what Jesus said in the following verses of scripture.....

"The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Therefore, take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light." Luke 11:34-36 (NKJV)

My point is this: Yes, both men and women are responsible for what they allow their eyes to see. However, both men and women, as according to scripture, are also responsible for dressing modestly so that nobody gets tempted by them to lust in the first place. If a person still lusts even though someone is dressed modestly, then the lustful sin is caused by a "wrong motive" and/or "choice" of the person's own sinful heart.

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 28 Aug, 2011 03:52 PM

maybe we should make all women wear gorrilla suits.:ROFL:

What do you think men should wear ladies? :dancingp:

As for me I pull my pants on every day and put on my shirts everyday. People make compilments on what I wear as it has a western style to it. (cowboy- western clothing).

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 28 Aug, 2011 09:41 PM


This is just why we need a Teacher to help us with Scripture�or The Church.

Luke 11:34-36

New International Version (NIV)

34 Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy,[a] your whole body also is full of light. But when they are unhealthy,[b] your body also is full of darkness. 35 See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness. 36 Therefore, if your whole body is full of light, and no part of it dark, it will be just as full of light as when a lamp shines its light on you.�

You read into this Scripture what your Mind wanted you to �Read��what your Mind wanted you to �Hear�

Read again Verse 35

35 �� See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness�.�

:�the LIGHT WITHIN you��

Scripture is Agreeing with me. It is ��The LIGHT WITHIN YOU�� that Determines whether what you see is �Light� or �Darkness��not what Actually enters your Eyes.

Now�I am not Condoning Pornography�no sir�I am just saying that if a Woman�s Appearance is causing you to Sin or �Think� Lustful Thoughts�then it is You that needs to Undergo an INNER Conversion. It is You that needs to Change that �Light� within you from a Black �Light� to White �Light�.

Also your Thoughts are an Excellent Indicator of just what �Color Light� you are Creating!

Does any of this make �Sense� to you�Focus?

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 29 Aug, 2011 06:03 AM

It takes maturity.... to handle and process correctly what we see!

To expose yourself beyond your capacity, is begging for ending up sinning

Watch out for the catalyzing effects on what you decide to look at.... or further look into.

That goes for reading books, watching movies, going to entertainment places and particulary watching/checking out the opposite gender....

Turning your face away is only necessary when you suspect that it makes you stumble.

Yet let it be enough to you, that you (are able to) turn your face away and do not whine that you have to.

And as to the saying of the pastor, he is right when talking to women.....

Yet he should also talk to men!

May I offer this: if you notice that it has to be pulled up or need to be pressed down, you then have forgotten to turn your face....

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 30 Aug, 2011 08:25 PM


What I was trying to say earlier was this: We are commanded to Not be a "stumbling block" to others by how we dress. It's the same way with alcohol...scripture doesn't say a person absolutely cannot drink simply says that a person is Not to be "drunk" with wine. However, nobody can justify drinking wine in public, or in the presence of anyone who had (or still has) a problem with getting "drunk". Why??? Because it's a "stumbling block" that shouldn't be there. It's the same when it comes to the way we dress...we are not to dress in such a way that we know might cause someone to stumble into the sin of lusting. A "skimpy Christian" wears "skimpy clothing"...and that's just the sad truth of the matter.

And yes, I was already aware of what you mentioned about "the light within"...but even so, what I said earlier is still true, and I'll explain what I'm trying to say. My basic point is this: What we see, hear, and so forth, can sometimes be all that it takes to cause us to stumble into sin...which is exactly why I presented those verses of scripture in my previous post...because once we see or hear something (and it enters into our minds), it is possible for us to have problems afterward as a result of it...and then "the light within" might become corrupted, or in other words turned into darkness! After something has entered into our minds, it's able to cause us to be tempted over and over again, possibly resulting in us falling into sin. That's why all Believers need to be careful how they dress around others. We also need to be careful about what we say and do...after all, we need to be an example to others. We are called to be separate from the world and it's ways. We are the "salt of the earth"...but if we lose our saltiness by behaving like the world, then we're no longer able to be an effective witness to others...which means we're useless to the Lord. The world pays far more attention to the way we live, rather than what we say. Remember this: We, by our lifestyle, might be the only bible that another person ever reads.

Dressing modestly, regardless of gender, is simply being obedient to God by loving our neighbor as ourself.

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2011 06:45 AM

It is a terrible thing to see those who claim Jesus as Lord contending and backbiting over that which scripture is clear about. Phillipians2:12-14 Do all things without grumbling and disputing so that you will PROVE yourselves blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation among whom you appear as lights in the world. In this forum I have read about those who contend over the manner in which others dress, both in public and in the church, I have read that women, in response to the pleads of brothers in the Lord say, men need to dress modestly as well. Though this is true it appears as there may be failure to accept responsibility for our own actions, this pointing to the immaturity of our walk. What is the reason that no where in the entire bible does God command men to dress modestly but women are commanded to many times? Study the entirety of scripture and ask yourself that question. It is scripture that interprets scripture, it is not what our minds want us to see or read. If this is the case, then the bible is nothing but just another book. 2Peter1;20-21, But know this first of all, that no prophesy of scripture is a matter of ones own interpretation, for no prophesy was ever made by an act of human will but men moved by the Holy Spirit, spoken from God. It is the Holy Spirit within us that brings understanding of Gods word, not our minds. Our mind is that which causes us to act in our own understanding, and not in the purity of Gods word. How is it that we claim Jesus as Lord yet present ourselves without innocents and without humility? Concerning the reply of the woman who made a statement about how one goes to work dressed then comes to church in shorts and t-shirts. Who was it that Jesus ministered to the most? Jews who were poor, sinners and tax collectors. When Jesus was questioned about this he said, it is not those who are healthy that need a physician but those who are sick, but go and learn what this means, I desire compassion and not sacrifice, for I did not come to call the righteous but sinners. Jesus later said COME ALL who are burdened and heavy ladened and I will give you peace. Come all, means come all! Who are we to judge the slave of another? Especially about their shorts and shirts when they come to praise God. To their own master will they stand or fall! Will we who claim Christ as Lord further burden others or will we bless them? Will we honor Gods word or twist it for our own pleasure? Will we who claim Christ continue in the same legalisms that the apostles fought against? The choice belongs to the individual member of the body, as it is this member who WILL answer for their actions to Him who judges and wages war in righteousness. It is the individual member of the body who will choose to twist instead of honor Gods word. Gods word and His will for those who claim Him are plainly written for all to know. For this is the will of God, that is your sanctification; that is that you abstain from sexual immorality, that EACH OF YOU posses YOUR OWN VESSLE IN sanctification and HONOR, not in lustful passion, like the gentiles who do not know God. Be blessed with all wisdom and knowledge in our Lord Jesus Christ...

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 31 Aug, 2011 09:06 AM

"Dress to Kill" did not mean you get "Killed for Dressing"!


If a woman is a True Christian lady, she knows how to

dress appropriately.

Not leaving anything hanging

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If you have to pull it up or press it down, you shouldn't be wearing it!
Posted : 3 Sep, 2011 12:47 PM

I agree with the pastor. I wouldn't want my daughter/niece/grand-daughter to dress like such; or any woman actually. Surely I wouldn't want my wife/girlfriend/ to dress inappropriately either.

Wife can only dress inappropriately for me. :winksmile:

I wouldn't dress inappropriately saggy pants.

Of course there are times for everything. Who wears jackets in a hot summer beach party?

If one feel uncomfortable, simple DON'T GO.

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