Author Thread: Children or God first ?

Children or God first ?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 12:23 PM

I understand that some men want to have kids and choose younger women even if they are over 50.

I understand that nature calling to have kids.

But if you truelly want to put God first and be like Him isn�t kids we should think about first of all.

God is a spirit and we should try to stay away from our flesh and body and be more in to our spirit and a spirit doesn�t care for kids first of all.

Why if you want to be like God or Jesus why are you running around and try to find a parent to your kids ?

Shouldn�t men in older age seek God and grow in Him more than to find a young woman to get kids with ?

I have start to think about this now when I am older and can see how few real men there is for us 55+ ...first was I angry when I saw men was looking for women 20-30 years younger than him but then did I start to think about it.

For me doesn�t it feel right when I have reached a high level and gain so much knowledge from God. I know that God want me to talk about this for you to see how wrong it is....

I can tell that many people are not so far from the life that none believer have....

Most Christian people WANT to have a family with their own kids.

Did jesus had kids ? Was he married ? Was he ever looking for to be like everyone else ?

I hope you understand what I am talking about here.

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 6 Jun, 2011 02:38 PM

Very well said Kit.....

I thought before that the meaning of life was to have kids and raise them to be children of God.


Then did I gave birth to two kids that could not have their own kids and I had to change my thoughts.

Already the week after I had started to understand that this was not the meaning of life from God side because then should He have made us so all people could get kids but it isn�t so.

God showed me in that way that I met a friend from Chile that told me that he was ready for suicide if not getting a job soon because he had been in a manager position in Chile and now wasn�t no one that wanted him in Sweden.

Even if I had no job either did I go to the office that helped us to get jobs and I knew a key to get a job that I should use but instead was I talking about my friend to give him my job.

He got the job and was so happy because he had been accountet for the catholic church in our big city !

After that did I understood that the meaning of life as God see it is to help each other.

We should not hold back information that can help peaople....we should help as much we can those people we meet on our way in life !

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 26 Jun, 2011 03:51 AM

The scripture says...''SEEK YE FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS AND ''EVERYTHING'' WILL BE ADDED UNTO YOU''...i think this sums up everything you need to know...GOD should come first in everything that you do and He will grant you the desires of your heart dear...Bless you..

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