Author Thread: Can dating sites find you a mate?

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Can dating sites find you a mate?
Posted : 18 Apr, 2011 11:36 PM

Something hit me the other day and it was a very rude awakening. A lady that I met on this site whom I had barely communicated with (because she rarely came on) sent me her email address and told me how much she liked my pictures. Wow, and on top of that, she was so beautiful! She must be interested in me, I thought. I promptly sent an email to her and surprisingly got a very quick and friendly response, along with some pretty pictures of herself. At this point, I was on cloud 9 or 10. I had not asked for her email nor her pictures, but she sent both! She must REALLY be interested in me, I thought.

So I sent off another email with my pictures from this site (but full size) and asked her to let me know if the pictures arrived okay. I never heard from her for an entire week. So I sent a "howdy" letter. Her reply revealed what I had suspected. She gave a number of excuses that she had been too busy with this and that and finally ended with this line, "You're so far away anyway!!!"

She had never mentioned the pictures that I sent her. It became clear to me that my full size pictures were not what she had anticipated. In other words, I fell short of her expectations. She simply did not find me as attractive in the larger pictures as she did the smaller versions. The pain of being unceremoniously dumped was minimal as our relationship had never developed anyways.

But that's when it hit me. After 2 1/2 years on this site, I've come to the conclusion that meeting in person is the ONLY SURE WAY of knowing if two people are meant for each other. Pictures, web cams, and emails fall short of connecting two people in body, soul, and spirit. It is SO important to meet in person. Then one can know for sure if there really is chemistry.

How many people have experienced connecting with someone on a dating site, and baring their heart with each other. Everything seemed so right. They communicate by web cam, email, and text messaging for two months, and when they finally meet in person, the man confesses "I feel no chemistry for you." A precious lady shared this exact scene with me not long ago. She was crushed beyond measure and it broke her heart.

So let's hear from you. Can dating sites find you a mate? What wisdom have you gleaned from your experiences? How soon should two people meet in person?



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Can dating sites find you a mate?
Posted : 24 Sep, 2011 09:15 PM

Thank you goldensapphire babes and someday 41 for sharing your views. Where is everybody else? :rolleyes:



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Can dating sites find you a mate?
Posted : 1 Jun, 2012 11:02 PM

Anyone else having success with dating sites?

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Can dating sites find you a mate?
Posted : 25 Aug, 2012 07:43 AM

Is the long-distant communication of dating sites working for you?



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