Author Thread: Burning the Koran

Burning the Koran
Posted : 1 Apr, 2011 08:37 PM

What do you feel about the Pastor who burnt the Koran? Do you think he was right for what he did, or do you think he went to far?

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 5 Apr, 2011 08:27 AM

Retracting the "no" and saying"yes he went too far". I wonder how he got off his leash!

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 5 Apr, 2011 05:01 PM

What do you feel about the Pastor who burnt the Koran? Do you think he was right for what he did, or do you think he went to far?

*** Feelings are not Fact...they are Emotions and His Emotions where High...NO ! I do not " Think " he was " Right " for what He did...YES ! He went to Far...This is NOT what Jesus Teaches...xo

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 10 Apr, 2011 07:14 AM

Didn't Jesus overthrow the tables in the temple? God hates evil. Do we KNOW that God DID NOT lead this pastor to do this to bring out how evil the Islam religion is? Maybe it was extreme, but how many people who knew nothing about Islam are now realizing what a threat it is? ____________ What's up with the diffrerent spelling? Is it Koran or Quran? just asking*******~

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 12 Apr, 2011 11:51 AM

Chevy, the inncident in the temple was jewish leaders stealing and twisting the word around for profit. It was a action against believers. In the church age we are to reach out to the unsaved and bring Gods word to them. We are not to be the judge of the world as that is God's job.

We judge the church not the unsaved.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 12 Apr, 2011 12:51 PM

Westboro probably thinks the same way... ;)

BTW, Dennis, I'd really like to see the Rambo Cat again!! :)

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 14 Apr, 2011 12:51 PM

are we doing this to grt even with them.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 18 Apr, 2011 09:08 AM

I think what he did was laughable, a very stupid and childish thing to do, but yes he is in title to be an *** **** if he wishes

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 19 Apr, 2011 09:04 PM

Yes,in a way,he did wasted his time burning the Qu'ran,because he just burned a little amount of books & it's not all of the entire of copies of it worldwide. Also, that wouldn't scare the Muslims into believing in Jesus overnight,so it's not enough to stop them.On the other hand,he was very bold in a way,because you can get possibly killed for doing that.Also,he might be doing that as being based on Acts,when the people burned the scrolls of witchcraft.

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 21 Apr, 2011 04:14 AM

Mr. Wiseguy,

I don't recall ever reading that in the Bible. Where in Acts is that found??

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Burning the Koran
Posted : 21 Apr, 2011 06:13 PM

wampus I think he is referring to acts 19:19

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