Author Thread: Now how about swearing?

Now how about swearing?
Posted : 2 Nov, 2008 09:09 PM

This day and age it's hard to go anywhere or do anything without hearing a good amount of swearing. It's a common, accepted thing in the world and plenty of Christians I know swear quite a bit and don't have a problem with it. This I don't understand as I can't seem to view swearing as anything but wrong. I don't know if I would consider it a sin or not but personally I find it...immature. To say the least I suppose. But this is simply my view, what are some other sides of the story? Or perhaps a voice in agreement with me?

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Now how about swearing?
Posted : 8 Jan, 2009 10:22 AM

Kind of off context, but...Had an occasion when using a single word of profanity was, for me, very effective.

Was in the fire dept. (air force)...and my co-workers (who did a lot of swearing) knew I didn't.

While on a routine aircraft standby, one of the engines suddenly exploded. My immediate and unthinking reaction was to grab the mike and shout 'Oh sh_t'. Well, that's all it took for the entire fire dept too immediately rush to my location. They 'knew' that hearing something of that nature from my mouth meant it must be something 'bad'.

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Now how about swearing?
Posted : 10 Jan, 2009 07:33 PM

This day and age it's hard to go anywhere or do anything without hearing a good amount of swearing. It's a common, accepted thing in the world and plenty of Christians I know swear quite a bit and don't have a problem with it. This I don't understand as I can't seem to view swearing as anything but wrong. I don't know if I would consider it a sin or not but personally I find it...immature. To say the least I suppose. But this is simply my view, what are some other sides of the story? Or perhaps a voice in agreement with me?

It is wrong it does not need to be used and I know when I had sworn it was that I lost all self control by being

so inpatient and angry. I felt as stupid as it is and as quilty as it is. I not going to say that I am not perfect because that is not the problem its the lack of self control that I need to get a hold of.. I need to remember to Be angry and sin not.........God knows were not perfect so I try not to keep saying that like its some kind of resuce cue for being guilty I am I need to at least try and get rehabilitated with the word and move on. I know what I need to do but like Paul said my flesh dies daily.. Its hard but it can be beat....I got someone on the other side that beat it and gave up his life so I wil have victory through it...someone AWESOME.....:angel:

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Now how about swearing?
Posted : 10 Jan, 2009 08:31 PM

Cuss words are everywhere, and can be used to describe a wide array of things. But one thing you have to consider is that any given choice of words used to proclaim a bad intention is bad words. For example, something stupid like "shoot diggity" bein used to proclaim sheer anger twords someone.... is bad. So what we consider as cuss words now, what would be considered as cuss words in the future ?

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Now how about swearing?
Posted : 6 Feb, 2009 01:57 PM

The Bible says that we are to put away all filthy language. Using profanity is just another way that we look just like the world. We as Christians should not accept or practice the behaviors of the world. Our speech should encourage and edify the brethren and be an example to the unbeliever.

Blessings, Lydia

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Now how about swearing?
Posted : 16 Nov, 2009 09:23 AM

I know this is an old and "dead" thread, but I'm just going to have to post here anyway, 'cause I have something to say!

I was never allowed to use profanity as a child. My parents didn't use profanity, and expected no less of their children. Substitute words and "potty words" were just as off limits. I remember the one time when I said "gosh" (I hope that doesn't offend anyone on here) mom washed my mouth out with soap. It seems harsh, but ya know, I've never slipped up and said a bad word. Not saying I haven't thought a couple when I'm really mad, upset, or in pain, but I don't actually say them.

It really bothers me when I hear "Christians" use really bad language and not even realize it. I have an aquaintance who uses a particularly bad word often...and she claims to be a Christian. It bothers me so much that I actually avoid spending time with her. I've told her how I feel, but she doesn't even try to clean up her vocabulary...she cusses like a sailor.

When it comes to relationships, I really don't want to date or marry someone who cannot control his language. I don't expect him to be perfect, but there has to be control. A lack of control in what seems to be such an insignificant area could indicated a lack of control in much larger things.

There, I had my say and this thread can go back to being old and dead!

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