Author Thread: Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 04:51 PM

Do you personally think that some of the bible was meant just for the time if was written in?

For instance: That a man should always be the head of the house?

this is just one example, another would be women keeping silent in church, or not teaching the men.

what do YOU think?

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 18 Mar, 2011 01:38 AM

Paul wasn't infallible but the Living Word of God is. God never changes. He's the same - yesterday, today, and forever. Debby, I completely agree with what godslamb and twosparrows said. God's Word is just as ALIVE for me today! The Holy Ghost moved upon the prophets of old and God knew His Word would be a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path. (even in 2011)

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 19 Mar, 2011 02:02 PM

Since I am in a "mood" today, allow me to share:

I am not a micro manager nor a dictator, I believe in freedom. However I have no use for a woman who flatly refuses to follow. I would much rather be by myself than end up with a quarrelsome woman.

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 23 Mar, 2011 11:04 AM

During the times of Paul and before, the women were mostly uneducated. Unlearned concerning scripture. Because of the fall of mankind women were placed in a submitted position to men as it should be, but not spiritually because God sees no differance between male and female. But the as many missionaries have found out it is impossible to go into those tribes and nations and make them totally change their ways overnite. So it was with the early church. Many had become accustomed with things a certain way and to expect them to change to God perfect plan overnight would be well impossible. How many here are perfect. Yes Yes only through the blood of Jesus does the Father see us perfect.

So the word is set as to everyindividuals interpretation. As life goes on though I have caught the Spirit changing my mind by revealing the truth to me I thought I had understood the first! PRAISE HIM! : D

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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 03:36 AM

That depends if You beleive that God is eternal? Then, do you believe that His word is Eternal? It's written, the Earth and heavnes may pass away, but My word will never pass away. The Word states that His words are new every morning. Does that imply they are up for revision, I don't believe so. : D


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Please be respectful, I really wanta know what all think
Posted : 23 Dec, 2011 06:14 PM

I think that the man should be the head of the household - spiritual & financial. Equals but the leader.

As for women teaching - I understand. I prefer hearing from a man, but at the same time Joyce Meyer is one of my favourite preaches, is so scriptual & straight-shooting and is speaking what needs to be said in this world so how can we say she shouldn't be doing that?For me, it is ok for women to preach. When Jesus rose again from the grave, the angels told Mary & the other lady that rocked up to "Go and tell the disciples".

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