Author Thread: is it wrong?

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is it wrong?
Posted : 2 Mar, 2011 04:28 PM

thanks Cobbler for giving me the idea?

Cobbler asks jokingly if it wrong for cats to uses catnip.

on a more serious note, is it wrong for a Christian to drink alcohol?:Mug:

For instance: I love my dad to pieces! but we've had a stormy relationship. I am trying hard to understand him; he's an ex Marrine, and was abused as a child.

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is it wrong?
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 03:50 AM

When is everyone gonna learn it's no longer about the law.....

Do thid, don't do that. Jesus came and died so we could be free from the law of sin and death. I choose life! the word states let him who is depressed, drink that they may forget thier depression. What was one of the reasons Jesus said He came for? That our joy MIGHT be made full. Why might? Because it is up to us. Choose life, seek His face, and renew your mind with His presious word. The scripture above is from the Old Testament. In the New we have a better promise, the Holy Spirit, right? It says in the New, be not drunk with wine, WERE IT IS IN EXCESS, but be filled with the Holy Spirit. It also says in Galatians that if we are lead by the Spirit, we won't fullfill the lusts of the flesh. 2 of the deeds of the flesh are drunkenness and carousing. ie heavy drinking and partying. So yes I believe it is permissable to drink, just in moderation as Solumon stated and not in eccess as Paul stated. I believe we all know our limits and should stop way before we don't want to. Yes I speak from experience and deliverance.


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is it wrong?
Posted : 7 Apr, 2011 03:57 AM

Wait I'm not done!! LOL

OK there are many reasons I have found for drinking and other things. You were definately depressed because of the anger you may have felt you cause your dad to be in because of his haveing to fix your can for you. I cannot say whether your drinking was right or wrong. I do not believe in judgement any more. I believe in good and evil only. I do not in any way believe you were evil for drinking to forget your depression or anrer or whatever you needed to have the drinks for to forget whatever. I do know that thie too shall pass and your relationship with God shall continue. He is the author and FINISHER of our faith. amen?


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