Author Thread: what do u think about plastic surgery?

what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 4 Feb, 2011 04:32 AM

I personally think its wrong. We r born the way we r beautiful made by God, and then people go and think that a random doctor can do a better job than God? Im sick of the media always portraiting barbie dolls, like why couldnt the series Gossip Girl hire Blake Lively BEFORE she had a nose job? Back when she actually had a cool nose and not just a barbie nose? It would have been so much cooler for teenagers to watch that series and look upto the girl who had an eagle nose and think that she was pretty. That way they could think that being unique was actually accepted.

Also being under the knife is dangerous and u can die from it. So deciding to have an unneccessary operation that u dont need to have and getting killed by it, isnt that exactly like suicide?

Of course its different if uv been in an accident and I can totally understand why people want to reconstruct their looks to what they used to look like before the accident so that they dont lose their identity.

What do u all think?

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 22 Mar, 2011 11:34 AM

LOL "A45 year old lady was told by her minister she would live to be 100 at least. The next day she had a nose job, face lift, tummy tuck, butt lift, B implants, got new teeth, dyed her hair,etc.

A week later she was run

over by a bus and as she entered heaven she began asking why am I here so soon; I thought I had lots of time left on earth.

OOPS! said God-- I didn't recognize you!" thanks for that funny:P

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 22 Mar, 2011 11:37 AM

"The point here is not how awful and vain plastic surgery is. It is a question of the heart of man. The same vanity or access that may motivate someone to get plastic surgery is the same that causes any of us to feel entitled or insecure enough to spend and splurge on our own excess" very true margosolo

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what do u think about plastic surgery?
Posted : 13 Jan, 2012 11:49 PM

I don't think scripture addresses this, leaving this to be a very open-handed issue. Having said that, this issue is one that many still question. Is it sinful to get plastic surgery? The obvious answer is no, but means to what end. If you believe in determinism or fatalism you might possibly believe it is wrong, because everything happens for a reason. If you take a more "open theism" stance such as myself you might not have a problem with it. I even know some calvinists don't have problems with it. Its all about scripture. It doesn't address the issue. I think the real problem is when people begin to worship the surgery and looking like barbie, its not a sin to want to look better and girls do that all the time with make-up, and no one (that I have met) considers that to be sin. Guys do that by going to the gym to get bigger muscles because girls like it, girls get bigger "assets" to make guys more attracted to them.

So in short my answer is no plastic surgery is not wrong. Unless you are willing to admit that ALL kinds of making yourself look like God intended you to, which would be I am assuming never washing your hair either, or wearing clothes, wearing make-up, dressing up in fancier clothes, lip-stick, running, going to the doctor, drinking alcohol, because that is not how God made you. How can one person single out one mask without acknowledging the others?

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