Author Thread: here I go again!!

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here I go again!!
Posted : 1 Feb, 2011 09:02 AM

Was listen to Christian radio yesterday. The guest on the show was the writer of the book "Hedges", and the topic of the show was how Christian men should act toward woman who are not their wives or family members.

The author of the book seem to think that it was not a good idea, somehow wrong, and should be avoided if at all possible, such things as: eating lunch with female co-workers, sitting on same row in airplane, or even sharing car or giving ride/carpooling with female co-workers. It was almost suggested that a married Christian man should be formal and cold, to all but his wife and family members!

This didn't seem very practical to me! I've had lunch with, and even drank beer with, male co-workers, with nothing "un-toward" happening. I 've had many jobs, when I was younger, where I would share rides with male co-workers, and think nothing about it. I had a WORK relationship with these men, a friendship , and nothing more!!

After all, you live in the REAL world! If a man was so sexualy orented that he had to but up these Hedges, as the book called it, wouldn't he be the type of man who would trouble ANYWHERE, ANYWAY? Input---?

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here I go again!!
Posted : 7 Feb, 2011 02:08 PM

loved reading the comments!!!!! it is so sad that the character of people has gone down so much, that we as Christians feel we have to keep our guard up!!! I'm careful about how things look, "or I try to be" but my intentions are always innocent toward married men; mostly, because I think "stealing" another woman's man is about the Lowest, Rottenest thing one woman can do to another!

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