Author Thread: Use of the word hero

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 21 Jan, 2011 04:50 PM

Do people (in general) overuse the word hero? I've seen sports athletes/politicians/military personnel/celebrities/etc called heroes. Really none of those people are heroes. Only Jesus can truly be considered a hero. I feel that to refer to those other folks as heroes takes away from what Jesus did.

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 24 Jan, 2011 06:09 PM

Kat and Dennis, I love you both!


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Use of the word hero
Posted : 24 Jan, 2011 06:43 PM

aww, thanks. Should have left the monkey up.

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 26 Jan, 2011 07:19 AM

I don't think referring to someone as a hero in any way takes away from what Jesus did. And the real heroes in this world should be appreciated and respected ----- of couse not worshipped. Worship belongs to the only Hero who died for you---- JESUS.

Kat, if I put the monkey pic back up- will I be your hero?:ROFL:


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Use of the word hero
Posted : 27 Jan, 2011 08:24 AM

you will be mine.

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 27 Jan, 2011 09:05 AM

:ROFL: cheetah chevy

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Use of the word hero
Posted : 28 Jan, 2011 08:40 AM

Sorry Chevy, didn't see your response. Yes the you would be my hero.

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