Author Thread: The martial arts

The martial arts
Posted : 7 Jan, 2011 04:09 PM

I realize that I may take a lot of flack here. However, I am going to state my views anyways.

Why do I a christian oppose the martial arts????

Every thing I have read says it is more about, if you do not win you are a weakling. Failure can not be accepted.

It also involves meditation where you are to open up your soul for what????????

The bible does warn us against meditation as it does invite spirits into us.

Some of the Asians use this as a form of false God worship.

God is a jealous god.

We are to have one god.

feel free to debate.


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The martial arts
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 05:03 PM

Wow...well, I thought it was a pretty good post, Cobbler.


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The martial arts
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 05:14 PM

Mark, I�m not bothered. From the post I have seen from FlyinHigh, he loves to contradict everyone. I had a Sargent in the Air Force that had a great saying, �It doesn�t mean anything when it comes from someone you don�t respect.�

I also have another test. Everyone has something they are good at, no matter how much you disagree with them. If all you can do is find the negative in someone, then it just shows that you are not willing to see the truth.

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The martial arts
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 07:14 PM

I always have to laugh at phonies that talk about the arts. And from what I have seen COBBLER you are a beginner commenting on things you have zero knowledge of.

Why do you pretend COBBLER? You didn't even know that martial art in AMERICA was perpetuated by a christian did you? The first commercial Karate school was opened by an Hawiian American after he graduated from BYU in 1954.

If you misrepresent the facts you will get stung, and if you pretend you are knowledgable in the arts you will get laughed at. I notice you could not answer one point of contention other than to strut away with a parting shot.

You know the part about let the fool speak, I dare you to post more gibberish about martial arts. I'll have fun nailing you for the phony you are.

Thanks for the chuckle.


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The martial arts
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 07:23 PM

Thank you for proving my point, FlyingHigh.

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The martial arts
Posted : 11 Jan, 2011 07:52 PM

That's a great saying, Cobbler.


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The martial arts
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 04:50 AM

Cobbler, Your post was a good one!

Fly, you seem to know a lot about martial arts. I always thought one of the teachings in class was not to try to pick a fight.


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The martial arts
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 07:39 AM

Flynhigh: You attitude is decidedly unchristian--unchrist like.

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The martial arts
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 08:08 AM

Martial Arts is about how to defend yourself. Since so many Christians seem to have no problem with firearms, I don't see the objection to unarmed combat.

As to the mediatative component, meditation is about relaxation, not prayer. If you're worried about that then beware of Yoga moreso than Martial Arts as Yoga is literally a component of Hinduism.

I've never heard anyone object to Martial Arts from a religious perspective before so I'm not immediately versed in the arguements. My general thinking though is there's nothing to object to. Yeshua told the disciples to arm themselves in the "...if you don't own a sword, sell your cloak and buy one." So self-defense doesn't seem to be an issue. Mediatation isn't the issue either as how you relax doesn't matter, call it meditation if you wish but if you sit and close your eyes you're doing the same thing.

Much of what people think is forbidden often enough isn't. English translation of Hebrew texts use a lot of words the actual Hebrew doesn't refer to so ya have to be careful with that.

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The martial arts
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 08:12 AM

Jeff, that was my point. To say that all forms of martial arts is wrong is too broad. There are a large variety of martial arts, and a large variety of teachings, it all depends on the instructor. I don�t see anything wrong with martial arts, in and of itself. One just has to watch out for what is being taught.

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The martial arts
Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 09:15 AM


Fly, you seem to know a lot about martial arts. I always thought one of the teachings in class was not to try to pick a fight.



When people perpetuate stereotypes and inject mysticism in martial art we label them charletons. They are the biggest enemy to martial arts because they are not honest. All people who have spent a lifetime and paid in blood, sweat, and tears are not going to listen to the nonsense written by cobbler. It is offensive and when someone can't answer any of the questions posed it lets me know I was right and they were offering an opinion based on nothing.

Who else did that? The Pharisees?



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