Author Thread: astrology

Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 08:15 PM

Do you think it's right or wrong to be interested in and/or read astrological things? Why?

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Posted : 2 Jan, 2011 06:27 PM

By the way, I love reading fortunes from fortune cookies! They are always so general that they are actually hilarious. A few years ago, a bunch of friends and I went to a Chinese restaurant and all read our fortunes out loud after the meal...every single one of them was almost identical in message, but just worded differently. I don't put any stock in them, of course, but they are fun to read.

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Posted : 2 Jan, 2011 07:08 PM

2--> The Lion is also the king of the animals.

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Posted : 2 Jan, 2011 07:09 PM

As for astrology, Pixy, I don't think we should be involved in that, since that goes hand in hand with fortunetelling and witch craft.

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Posted : 2 Jan, 2011 11:50 PM

Thanks TS, you did your homework.

I studied it years ago and it is more of semantics with the wording today. Astrology is a cheap replacement for the divine leading of the Holy Spirit. Astronomy is a big passion of mine and I love the study of the stars. The signs that astrology uses were actually Godly at one time. I've seen signs up above a couple of times in my life that I knew were from God.

Before my brother-in-law died, I saw a falling star that gave me chills. He suffered hard from liver disease after drinking himself to death. My son-in-law and I both gently pleaded with him in tears to accept Jesus and he refused. I can only hope that he cried out to Jesus in that last second~

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Posted : 4 Jan, 2011 04:20 PM

Wrong? Well, considering studying it would use up some of your time that could be spent doing much more significant things� yeah, kind of. I know enough about it that I cannot help but think of it as a huge waste of time and a trap for gullible, faithless people. There is no good reason that I can see to study it in depth. It might be helpful to understand the basics of it and what it is, but to be intrigued by it is foolish.

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Posted : 12 Jan, 2011 08:19 AM

Many things forbidden in the Bible are permissable to learn about or study. In the case of something like 'witchcraft' you can't very well avoid it if you don't know a thing about it. So religious leaders have made the distinction between learning about such things, and actually practicing them.

Insofar as astrology is concerned, Leviticus 19:26 says this:

"26. You shall not eat over the blood. You shall not act on the basis of omens or lucky hours."

In other versions than this, an actual Jewish Torah, I've seen it as:

Not to practice onein (observing times or seasons as favorable or unfavorable, using astrology) (Lev. 19:26)

Not the difference though in knowing about vs. practicing. Can't avoid astrological practices if you don't know what they are.

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Posted : 15 Jan, 2011 09:24 AM

Did anyone see the recent news articles about the astrological signs being wrong?

Apparently the astrologers did not consulate the astronomers about a little thing called stellar drift-- the fact that the universe is expanding and the stars are constantly shifting as a result. After a few thousand years of stellar drift pretty much everyone's "sign" is actually the next sign over . . . even if you don't object to astrology on Biblical grounds it pretty much debunks the whole astrology thing. :)

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