Author Thread: exotic dancing

exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 03:39 PM

Do you think that it is wrong for an unmarried woman to learn such dances as bellydancing and pole dancing? Why, or why not?

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exotic dancing
Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 12:32 PM

They are both excellent ways to exercise, but at the same time, both are sexual in nature. Perhaps the best way to learn the dances would be to sign up for a women-only exercise class where the exercise is taught through the dances. That way the emphasis is more on the health benefits, not the sexual nature. And yes, there are classes that teach dancing as a means of exercising. I'm sure there are also DVDs that focus on dancing as a way to exercise, and probably some online videos too...but I'm not going to google "pole dancing videos" to find out!

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exotic dancing
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 02:37 PM

I don't think it's wrong at all. Pole dancing (and belly dancing) is just like drinking songs, if you think about it. Both can be used for good or ill; in fact the melody from drinking songs undergirded many of Charles Wesley's hymns. Likewise, pole dancing can be used by a wife to please her husband, and that sort of pleasing is pleasing to God.

Will you use it if you practice it? Of course, and the objective to learning this is to use it for your husband's eyes. So again, I don't see anything wrong with it.

We need to be very cautious of the kind of thinking that says "forms cannot be redeemed." That is, if evil people abuse something, that Christians are somehow unable to take the object or the action and use it for God's glory. This kind of thinking presumes that evil is more powerful than God. Frankly, I'm tired of hearing about this fraidycat faith. It's flat-out wrong.

Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world. I'll take your guitars, your pole dancing, and your drinking songs, and reforge them into holy instruments for God's glory.

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exotic dancing
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 03:03 PM

excuse me, I do not want to seem harsh silverfire. But fraidycat-faith???????

where is this coming from?????

We are to flee the appereance of evil. I am distrubed by your lack of caution. Should we not be wise and stay away from things that would be dangerous.

How does pole dancing glorify God??????

Come on now, hmmmmmmmmm

I found it very offensive,ok.

As Christians we are to stand up for godly values.

Some of this authers post are very disturbing.

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exotic dancing
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 03:20 PM

To:Mountainlass,If it's a way for women of exercise for certain women out there,i hope they will hold on tightly & do it in private.Otherwise they'll end up on Tru Tvs' "The World Most Dummest" if that airs back on tv!:ROFL::ROFL:

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exotic dancing
Posted : 2 Jan, 2011 08:59 PM

I don�t see any wrong in learning these dances. It is great exercise and if one has the opportunity to learn it when still unmarried, why not? As she become married and grow older she need the skill for variety and make exercise interesting. I believe it is trying hard to maintain a regular exercise for older women. I see dancing as celebration of God�s great creation, that our bodies is made of joints that move so beautifully and that we have to strive to move it as often. Try moving your body in a dance facing the mirror and see if you can�t be praising God you really are wonderfully made.

When it is wrong? I remember my father who is very conservative and my youngest daughter was practicing ballroom dance exhibition for school presentation. In the middle of practice he made them stop he see it as very unbecoming. But during the presentation with the costume on my father was teary eyed and very proud of her and commented it took so long to practice and present just for some minutes kind of wishing their number should be presented again haha. So I think our perception changes. But there are times that it is really always wrong with the bad costume, wrong imparted impression, or just the wrong places and wrong audience.

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exotic dancing
Posted : 4 Jan, 2011 04:15 PM

What is more important, at least in my mind, is not so much the type of dancing you do as the reason you are doing it. If you are doing it because you want to be seductive (which really is the reason those things exist), then you should probably rethink it. If it is for confidence building, rethink it (I mean, how important is belly-dancing to your personal value? Seriously.). I cannot really think of a �good� reason off the top of my head to want to do these things� I mean, I�ve seen belly dancing, and calling that �exercise� or 'a workout' is kind of generous, in my opinion. If you want to work out, rollerblading is tons of fun and wasn�t made for the purpose of seductive entertainment.

I would personally avoid it entirely.

And mrwiseguy, I�m assuming you�ve seen those videos of women taking hilarious spills while trying to be sexy on a pole, and yes, those are hysterical in the guiltiest way.

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exotic dancing
Posted : 4 Jan, 2011 04:33 PM

Dgrimater: There are many things in this world that can be used the wrong way, but that does not make them inherently wrong. I don�t believe that drinking alcohol in and of itself is wrong, but I will not drink it because I know from experience that when I start I will go until I am stone drunk. That is why I do not want a wife that drinks, even casually, because it would be easy for me to be tempted to start drinking again.

Siylii, you are right, those types of dances are intended to be seductive, that�s the point. There is nothing wrong with a wife being seductive, I encourage it. I think the important part is how one goes about learning it, in private or in public. There are plenty of DVDs on how to belly dance or pole dance. I do agree with you though, I don�t see that they would do much good as exercise.

I think this clearly falls under the freedom we have in Christ. Romans 14-15:6

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exotic dancing
Posted : 6 Jan, 2011 12:49 PM

Yes Siylii ! The show i've listed above & "Americas' Funniest Home Videos" on ABC!!!:ROFL:

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exotic dancing
Posted : 9 Jan, 2011 02:55 PM

Exotic is exactly that, exotic. No-one needs help on how to be sexy, ever. Ladies, we have what a man wants, we don't need to use exercising our stuff as an excuse to make arousing a man something that is Godly. Christian women need to be Godly first...and then sexy for the man God has chosen us for. Not for any other person or instructor ever. Then for an unmarried woman to be shaking her body for arousal for marriage, ya right. Tell me another santa claus story plz.

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exotic dancing
Posted : 9 Jan, 2011 05:28 PM

She's learning a skill that will bring her husband joy. In the vein of Song of Solomon. I agree that it could easily be twisted into evil, but it's not inherently evil in itself. A wife pleasing her husband can in fact be to the glory of God.

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