Author Thread: Sarcasm

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Posted : 20 Dec, 2010 11:33 PM

Should a Christian use sarcasm?

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Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 07:37 AM

Jesus was perfect and wise. We are sinful and prideful, and we very often abuse the weapons that Jesus used with discretion/love.


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Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 09:52 AM

Wow, Mark, that was good!

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Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 10:10 AM

Thanks for the input mark. Oh, yes I do believe it is ok to be sarcastic.

With certain bozos I am sarcastic too. I set them up and ask a question to see what they will say. Then I have a wise cracking answer.some are just to dumb to see me coming.:ROFL:

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Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 09:47 PM

Thanks, Mark, for taking the words right out of my� fingetips?

And thanks dgr for proving my point. :goofball:

Jesus was perfect and was probably very much aware of everything he said and how he was saying it: we are imperfect and when people are sarcastic on the forums or in life, I assume they are either frustrated/out of patience or just being buttholes.

And "sting" probably shouldn't have been the word of choice, since it implies hurt. Unless, of course, you meant that you want your words to have extra hurt.

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Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 09:52 PM

Sarcasm is just another free service I offer. I'm an equal opportunity offender. My favorite example of God's example is in Job? "Where were you when I made all of this?" "Where were you when I hung the moon?" Job 38. I love it!

Thunder (the unknown reindeer)

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Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 10:55 PM

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, sarcasm isn't a very wise utensil when online. When all we have to read is each other's text, to mislead each other through not saying what we mean is just dumb. I know some people use it as a means of trying to make others look the fool, but who is really the fool there? And clarity is hard enough to achieve without people saying things 'figuratively' or sarcastically, or some other form of half-truth or misleading way. That's less of a moral issue and more of a communication issue, but still.

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Posted : 22 Dec, 2010 11:23 PM


Loss of patience is a precursor for me. I find that I will become sarcastic when I begin to lose my patience. It has gotten me into trouble more times than I wish to remember.

And frustration is the symptom of having lost that patience�which adds to the overall result.

I cannot lose my patience with a child for a child knows not what it is doing�I cannot argue with a child for a child knows not reason. The same is true for an addict or one that is �mentally disturbed�.

It is the �bright� ones that �irk� me! The adults that know better but refuse to use their intellect. The adults that live in �fear� and want everyone else to do likewise. The adults that are ignorant�solely because they are lazy; yet they refuse to admit it.

The adults that are duplicitous and disingenuous and are �users�. We are in a Spiritual Battle for our Souls and the Souls of our Love Ones and there are those that still want to be the center of attention and will make a �noise� or �stir� up sentiment or whatever will bring attention to them�all the while people are Dying and Suffering.

Perhaps I am making too much of this site and the men and women on here.

�Sting� is the word I meant to use. There is a reason that your tears �sting�. There is a reason why God Created Pain. Pain (stinging) draws attention to something that Needs to be Fixed! Yes�Sting was Exactly the word I wanted to use and I will not try to deflect or �spin� what I said.

There are some on this site that make themselves to be �Holier than Thou�! They claim to have been given many gifts from God and they Preach and Sweet Talk the ladies and they stumble and fall in their rush to get to that center stage podium.

I�ve Earned the Right to be Sarcastic. I am not always sarcastic, but if it is called for�I will do so!

And by the way Siylii�

��just being buttholes.� Is an insult�not sarcasm (just in case you were confused).

Which begs the question:

�Which would you rather I be�Impertinent or Sarcastic?�

Maybe supercilious! I do a great supercilious!! Look�this is my supercilious look!!! Can you see it?

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 03:52 AM

What "irks" me are the ones who beat dead horses.:excited:

Where do you Earn the Right to be sarcastic? Is that another teaching in the Catholic church that I haven't heard of?

siylii, welcome to the club of those who disagree with arch on certain points and have been insulted by him; because it seems he has Earned The Right to be Sarcastic!

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 04:26 AM

UH-OH! bornagain, you better get your shield----- Bet ya got some sarcastic insults headed for ya.:excited:

Maybe not : maybe arch is off somewhere Earning His Right to be Humbe and Understanding ! !

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Posted : 23 Dec, 2010 04:28 AM

Humble and Understanding:glow:

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