Author Thread: Is it right for a woman to...

Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 02:53 AM

Is it right for a woman to sell her eggs?

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 01:17 PM

Oh come on can pray for your eggs that end up with atheist parents that they will accept Jesus and share the Gospel with the entire family...where's your heart for can think of your eggs as little missionaries!


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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 02:13 PM

friends the question was to sell eggs.

Think about this!!!!!

The old testament says that if your brother dies you were to make children with his wife. It was not a money issue but an issue of carring on his name.

We our not to sell ourselves for sexual gain. Do you not see the real issue here. Selling yourself to produce children.

Tamar and Judah in genesis read it ok.The sons of Judah refused to mate with tamar-Why?

when the brother dies the other refused to do his duty.God struck him down.

I was always of the opinion the a prostitute sold her boby for sex. This may be hard but where is the blood relation here? it implies to sell to any body.

We had a woman on this site a year ago who wanted to have a baby by this way.She was not married and thought it was ok to have a baby outside of wedlock.

This is just so wrong. where have our morals gone people.

babies for sale?

sex for sale?

Do you not see the problem here?

The bible does not discuss sex all over the place. Only in proper behavior and non proper.

We are not under the law anymore to have to raise children up to our brother.

Now I spoke nothing about getting a doctors help to have a baby for a married couple.


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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 10:38 PM

Let me just clarify something here: There isn't any sex involved in a woman's eggs being extracted. Typically, a woman is given a follicle-stimulating drug so that the ovaries will release multiple eggs during her next cycle. Then, the eggs are removed from her body. I believe that there are a couple of different ways that the eggs can be removed, but neither of them involve sex! So, the woman would not be selling sex.

Also, while eggs are sometime sold for A LOT of money, sometimes the compensation doesn't extend beyond the associated medical expenses and things such as lost wages from work.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 06:19 AM

Scripture does not explicitly speak to this dilemma, just as it does not speak to many things that did not exist when Scripture was written.

Selling or donating a egg is similar to selling or donating a kidney or other body parts. The danger with doing so with an egg is

�what will be done with that egg? �

It could be used to create another human being with an anonymous sperm donor and in essence you would have a �fatherless� and �motherless� child�this child would have no advocate and could be used to �harvest� body parts or as a stem cell line or worst ( I have read about �chimera� experiments). Since it is being �grown� in a tube it is not �human� and therefore has no rights. Would this be moral and what God had planned for that egg and sperm?

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 08:25 AM

There was a woman on this site a year ago who believed it was ok to buy some guys sperm to put in herself to have a baby.She was unmarried, not wanting to get married and do it God's way but her way.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 11:08 AM

OK, I'm playing the devil's advocate here, since I basically think that it is not a good idea for a woman to sell her eggs (though perhaps not necessarily in and of itself a sin)...

Hypothetical situation: A young man and young woman get married, and want to have kids. They try for years, using every morally sound method, to get pregnant. Nothing works. After many tests, it is determined that the woman's eggs are not "normal" and cannot create a child, but her husband's sperm is fine. Not wanting to give up entirely, they turn to adoption, but for whatever reason are unable to adopt a baby or even an older child. Taking in foster children is NOT what they feel called to do.

Question: Would it be so wrong of them to use a donor's eggs and the husband's sperm to create a child that they would love and cherish?

My answer to this: If they have tried every method available to have a child, but cannot, perhaps it is God's will that they remain childless. But I can see the flip side. Just sayin'.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 12:38 PM

I personally am neither for nor against selling eggs. I will say that there are people who believe that this can still be considered a type of adultery.

"If a Christian couple cannot get pregnant and if the only way the wife can get pregnant is through the donation of sperm from a man outside of the marriage bond, then it is best to avoid that pregnancy. Otherwise, the couple is inviting into the woman's body the seed of another man -- which is adultery. " Matt Slick of

I'm just bringing this up as another view point to consider.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 10 Dec, 2010 03:33 PM

If Jesus bought us and owns us; Do we have the right as Christians to sell our body parts?

You are not your own, either Jesus owns you or he does not.

See my point.

this does take into account those who can not have children.

God did provide an answer in The Story of Tamar and Judah.

If your brother dies you are to raise children up for him.this was an old testament thing.The New testament set us free from the law.

sperm and eggs are not to be sold.

from my understanding of the Old Testament it might be ok for a woman to carry her sisters baby. This is not a thing the word directly addresses.

However, it can not be done for money.

And it is kept in the family.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 11 Dec, 2010 12:34 PM

I do'nt have nothing to say since i do'nt know about it at all,but i have a question that's quite off-topic, but i just wanted put it in here being based on the thread,how do you feel knowing that some of these who wants to adopt & looking for "donations" people are homosexuals & lesbians?To me,i'm not so comfort with that thought.

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Is it right for a woman to...
Posted : 11 Dec, 2010 09:43 PM

Dg, first, you say that God owns us (ok), and that means that we cannot sell our body parts (huh?). That is a non-sequitur. God owns us, not in a legalistic sense (there is no contract), nor in a physical sense, but rather in a moral/spiritual sense.

Now what about the men who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom? Apparently bodily modification is OK with God -- given the correct moral impulse.

And yet, the eunuch is still 100% God's. God's ownership has not been compromised one bit by the modification of that person's body. This all means that a person is more than his or her body. "You are a soul; you have a body." -- C.S. Lewis.

So what is the issue? That you sell part of your body for money? You then compare selling off a part of your body -- an irrevocable act -- to "selling your body" (actually "renting" is a better term here) for sex. Here, you compare apples and oranges.

If I "sell my body" for sex, I am really renting it out for others to use as they will. That is condemned in Scripture. However, my body parts never leave me during this "sale". If a woman sells her eggs or I sell my sperm or someone else auctions off their arm, those parts are separated from us, permanently. Furthermore, as Pixy pointed out, none of this is sexual.

Finally, God looks at the heart, not the exterior. What is my purpose in selling my seed? Did I make sure that it was used for a moral purpose? Did I sell it because I needed food or because I was greedy? These are all questions that if answered correctly, would place no bar between the person and the action.

So, to recap -- 1) It's not sexual; 2) God is ok with bodily modification 3) God looks at the heart, not the exterior.

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