Author Thread: What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?

What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 12:11 PM

Do you think they should be allowed community service in lieu of jail time? Do you think they can be rehabilitated? Should they ever be released back into society?

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 11:17 AM

Don't forget mercy though! We can still slide a little in there, lol...


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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 03:52 PM

This is why I prefer stoning. I think it was important for the family members and victims (if they were alive) to participate in the destruction of the perpetrator of the crime. I'd be merciful though too. I'd start with smaller rocks so it wouldn't hurt so much at first.

It's true, the Ancient Hebrew Civil Law does not have a place for prisons. You pay or die. The purpose of this kind of justice was to keep the nation pure. I believe it was also meant as an ensample to us as to how we should live in a way that we keep ourselves purged of sin. We see the old man as dead and we serve our master as faithful servants who owe a debt they cannot pay. Not because we are required to pay it but because He has paid it for us. We are not paying restitution we are paying homage/giving thanks with praise and adoration.

Thunder, the unknown reindeer

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 06:53 PM

My dad sexualy molested my older sister and stalked a girl from the church youth group (which he taught) when I was just a baby. After he was caught, the pastor of that church gave him the option of either going to jail or going through extensive rehabilitation and counseling. Of course, he chose counseling.

It has been 20 years since then, and my dad has relapsed into old habits that mimic his previous pedophilia. Although we cannot prove as of yet that he is doing anything illegal, we know that he gets online and chats with about 30 different 15-year-old girls every day, and sometimes talks to them on his cell phone.

From personal experience, I'd have to say that rehabilitation is not a safe option for sexual offenders because it is a disease that never goes away. The temptation to backslide will never leave them their entire life. Therefore, I'd have to cast my vote with a life sentence in prison. I would never want to see my dad castrated or hung because I do love him, and I understand that he is mentally sick. But at the same time, I wish that he had gone to prison a long time ago and freed us from the prison he has created for my entire family today.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 07:19 PM

that's heavy, i'm sorry to hear that.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 07:20 PM

I agree that the question should be scoped a little more, but here's my .02.

Voyeurism (Peeping Toms) -- a day in the stockade, where passersby get to throw rotten fruit at you.

Stalking -- Mandatory extradition to a random state and revocation of drivers' license. First-time offenses only would have the option of being in the stockade for a week in the stockade and receiving a GPS implant where the victim gets to know where you are at all times. The implant would be inserted into the stomach, and would be washed out of the system in a month.

Sexual abuse of children -- Public hanging.

Rape -- Public hanging.

Of course, everyone gets a jury trial, and the evidence must be conclusive. It is SICK and IMMORAL to make me pay for the education, the health care, the artistic supplies, the lawyer bills, the food, and the clothes of someone that society has deemed guilty of these horrible crimes. Besides, a life of ease separated from other people is what these people secretly want, I'm convinced.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 11:11 PM

Ya, I suppose my question could have been better defined. I wasn't really thinking when I posted it =P I appreciate everyone's responses, though. it's interesting to see the varying opinions on this subject.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 7 Dec, 2010 01:32 PM

I believe that the Ultimate Answer is catching these aberrations early enough to hopefully steer them away from becoming more severe. These things are of the mind and become compulsive and obsessive. Also we have to consider demonic forces too.

Caught early enough there is hope but if allowed to grow�then perhaps all that is left is to isolate (an island somewhere?).

Mercy only goes so far�we have to have Mercy for the victims also (past�present and future).

If you ask me�I�d carry a Big Stick and a backHoe (and a Bible and maybe some rocks�and maybe�)

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 04:00 PM

Mercy and compassion is different than just being plain dumb.

Mercy is giving the offender a chance to repent and except Jesus before death. Their soul is still of concern.

I am not for swift justice because sometimes the wrong person does go to jail. Then DNA cane along and sent some of them free. if it lacks DNA they should be given a chance.

If they are caught in the act well- death.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 14 Dec, 2010 04:24 PM

It is a good thing we have Jesus, according to the responses here none of us would have made it, I guess theLord Jesus was confused when he Called Saul and turned him into Paul, and maybe when he forgave David!!

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 15 Dec, 2010 06:51 PM

I agree PJ it is a GREAT thing we have Jesus! And Jesus stands for justice, same as GOD. That is why He came to settle our debt so GOD's justice could be fullfilled!

Numbers 14:18 �The LORD is long suffering and abundant in mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He by no means clears the guilty...

GOD is not against the death penalty. All the death penalty does is put the person before GOD. If it was wrongful justice then GOD will make it right. If the justice was deserved justice GOD will make it right. So it is still GOD!

I was watching a documentary on early American history and the man was found guilty and was to be hanged by weeks end. The judge that sentenced him to death was a Christian and asked the criminal to approach the beach and the judge proceeded to witness to the man. Telling him he must pay for his crimes here with the death penalty, but if he repented and called out to Jesus he would find forgiveness before GOD and could be spared a greater justice that a waited him after death if he did not repent.

Where did judges like that go I ask??? If we Christians would stand up for justice the way we are should, the crime rate would be way lower! And more people would be saved...kinda like early America when we WAS a Christian nation!!!

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