Author Thread: baby-making for $$$

baby-making for $$$
Posted : 30 Nov, 2010 07:18 PM

I came across an interesting article tonight (part of which I pasted below). What do you all think about a government paying people to have a third child?


"Russia's president devoted the largest part of his annual State of Russia speech to reversing Russia's population decline.

"If Russian couples have a third child, they will get a baby bonus, better health care, and free land to build a house or dacha, Russian President Dmitri Medvedev promised in his annual State of Russia speech.

"Political analysts were hoping to hear about missiles or democracy. Instead they got babies.

"Twenty years ago, just before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Kremlin ruled an empire with a population slightly larger than that of the United States. Today, Russia has less than half the population of the United States.

"And Russia's population of 142 million people is aging fast, a sign of bigger drops ahead, President Medvedev said.

"The president said Russians will have to increase birth rates to overcome the demographic ax blow of the 1990s. Due to the post-communist economic collapse, there may not be enough fertile age women for Russia to maintain its population size. Mr. Medvedev, the father of one child, said two will not do. It must be three."

* from "Russia's President Wants to Turn Around Population Decline," copyright Voice of America

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 3 Dec, 2010 12:17 PM

I don't think anybody is arguing that this is "new", dg. It was my understanding that we are just stating our opinions about it.

My opinion: it's kinda creepy.

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 3 Dec, 2010 03:01 PM

Russia has resorted to this because many, many people who could get out of Russia once it was free, did so. Now, I can't speak for what works for Russian society. I don't know their abortion rate. All I do know is that we will see more and more of these sentiments as Europe begins to buckle and sway underneath the immigration of Muslims seeking welfare state benefits. There will be a pushback to preserve the culture of England, France, Spain, and so forth, and this is one front in that war. I think that Japan is also encouraging childbirth in similar ways.

As for doing that in the US, I think that the way that the US has traditionally encouraged childbearing and marriage is a better method. I would oppose any sort of direct payment for childbirth here, and that's one reason why welfare was such a failure. It paid for people to have children and we all know how well that worked out.

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baby-making for $$$
Posted : 8 Dec, 2010 12:36 PM

A population needs to maintain a birthrate (Fertility Rate) larger than 2.11 per family in order to ensure survival over the next 25 years.

A rate of 1.9 has never been reversed in the history of the world.

A rate of 1.3 is Impossible to reverse because it would take 80 to 100 years to correct itself and there is no Economic Model that can sustain a culture in decline for that period of time.

As a population �shrinks��so does the culture.

As of 2007 the Fertility rate in France was 1.8 � in England it was 1.6 � in Greece 1.3 � in Germany 1.3 � Italy 1.2 � Spain 1.1.

Across the European Union (all 31 Countries) the Fertility rate was 1.38.

History shows that these numbers are impossible to resist�impossible to alter it�s course. In just a few more years�Europe as we know it will Cease to Exist!

The thing is�the population of Europe is not declining! How is that so you ask? The answer is Immigration! Islamic Immigration. Since 1990 90% of the growth in Europe�s population is Islamic.

In France the birthrate is 1.8 children per family. In a Muslim family that rate is 8.1. At this rate by 2027�1 in 5 Frenchmen will be Muslim. In just 39 years France will be a Islamic Republic!

In The Netherlands (in just 15 years) 50% of the population will be Muslim.

In just a few years 40% of the Russian Army will be Muslim.

The Government of Belgium has stated that 1/3 of all European children will be born Muslim by 2025.

�The fall in the (German) population can no longer be stopped. It�s downward spiral is no longer reversible� It will be a Muslim state by the year 2050�

German Federal Statistics Office

�There are signs that Allah will grant victory to Islam in Europe without swords, without guns, without conquest. We don�t need terrorists, we don�t need homicide bombers. The 50 + million Muslims (in Europe) will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades�

Muammar al-Gaddafi

Here at home Canada�s Fertility Rate is 1.6 (well below the needed 2.11).

Islam is the fastest growing religion. From 2001 to 2006 Canada�s population increased by 1.6 million�1.2 million was by immigration.

In The United States the Fertility Rate is 1.6 without adding the Latino birthrate. With the Latino Fertility rate added we are at the Bare Minimum of 2.11!

In 1970 there were 100,000 Muslims in America. In 2008 there were 9,000,000!

I can understand why Russia is doing what they are doing. I cannot understand why we are allowing this to happen to us?

If anyone of you can dispute this�PLEASE�I would love to hear some good news. I do not think that this is being made up. I have not researched all of this (just some of these numbers)�so I cannot verify it�s accuracy.

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