Author Thread: Body piercings and Tattoos

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 9 Nov, 2010 10:05 PM

I would like to hear from you guys/gals about Christians having a lot of body piercings and tattoos.

I went to my Taebo class this morning and was surprised to see a lady who claims to be a Christian,got a tattoo and had her bb pierced. Personally I don't like tattoos. It's a turn off to me.It would be ok if she had it before getting saved because as we believe,accept Jesus as Lord and savior the old is gone and the new us has come.

Can't wait to read your posts.:peace

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 04:47 PM

I agree with SilverFire, though I'm generally not a fan of tattoos or piercings. I don't even like ear piercings on women. I try not to look at them actually -- no offence to all of the beautiful women out there who have earlobe stab wounds =p

There are many things to consider before getting a piercing or tattoo... things such as whether it's a wise use of money and how it would affect your interactions with others and your ministry.

All of that said, I've had this idea for awhile that it would be really romantic for my future hubby and I to get matching tattoos... nothing huge and nothing that would be visible to anyone except each other. My whole life I've felt branded by all the stuff that's happened to me. I've felt like I have this invisible mark on me that's incredibly difficult to erase. And so, when I get married someday, I'd want to have some actual mark on my body signifying the purity and unity of the marriage. I want to be branded with something good that would symbolize the marriage bond. I don't know if that even makes sense to anyone, but it's been floating around in my head for a few weeks/months now.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 05:11 PM

My general view is, are you doing it to make yourself more attractive, or are you doing it to attract attention to yourself. To me, many of the piercing and tattoos are done for the sole purpose of attracting attention to oneself, which for a Christian is not very glorifying to God.

Now I will not condemn a person if they got the tattoo before they became a Christian, since as pianogal stated, they are very hard and expensive to remove.

@pixy. A few months ago on an episode of Royal Pains, there was a little boy and a girl that were forming a friendship. They were playing around, and the girl wrote POO on the boys chest. The boy got upset, because he thought she was saying that he was �poop�. Turns out it was an acronym � Property Of Olivia, the girls name. I thought afterwards that GFG would be a great idea for a married couple: Gift From God. Maybe that would be something you could get tattooed.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 07:34 PM

I have heard a variety of opinion on tattoos -- from one spectrum to another. From those who thunder from on high against anyone anytime anyplace getting any kind of tattoo ......... to those who are true born-again spirit-filled believers who are expressing themselves artistically and their love for God, even using their tattoos as a witness.

My own opinion on tattoos and piercings? What is your motivation for doing it? It does not matter to me whether it happened before or after you turned your life over to Christ. For me it is: what is your motivation for doing it? That tells the story, and makes the difference. And I believe it is all God is interested in.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 07:37 PM

I have a Celtic knot tattoo around my ankle. I got it before I resumed a correct walk with the Lord, but I certainly don't go out of my way to hide it (except at work, when I have to). Most people think it's an anklet.

That being said, I am still planning my next tattoo - Micah 6:8, in Hebrew, around my other ankle. They're not giant attention-attracters, and I like them. I have not felt convicted by the Holy Spirit to hide/remove/not get more ink.

But I also plan, as soon as I live in a place wherein I'm not constantly plagued by allergies, to put my small nose stud back in.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 07:54 PM

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts.First why do people wear tattoos?If they wear it to feel "in" or would it be a fad?If that's the case ,I think it is conforming to the world.James:4:4-, 1 John:15-17..Regardles of the reason why,is it a good testimony ?

Should we wear tattoo? Lev.19:28-Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead,nor print any marks on you:I am the Lord....I might be misinterpreting this verse.

Jeremiah31:19-Surely after that I was turned,I repented,and after that I was instructed I smote upon my thigh,I was ashemed,yea ,even confounded,becuase I did bear the reproach of my youth.....

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 08:02 PM

That's a pretty cool use of a tattoo, Pixy. That'd be a great way to symbolize your devotion. I'm not a tattoo guy myself, but I could go for that.

I think we need to be very careful when we talk about tattoos and piercings as belonging to a certain "crowd", as though those things themselves are evil. To the pure, all things are pure; my witness would probably be helped by a tattoo or a piercing, actually! :rocknroll:

It all reminds me of a story told by the Thief, from the famous (at least in underground 'zine circles anyways) Thieves and Prostitutes zine, where he was going to speak at a church. He had on black boots, tattoos, you name it. The church didn't recognize him and wouldn't let him in, so he had to go around to a back door. Then he went on and gave his testimony (I think that's what he did, as memory serves).

I think there's something we can learn from that.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 09:44 PM

I pretty much agree with cobbler. I don't think there's anything wrong with those things in and of themselves, it's the attitude behind them, or even the abuse. I've seen some people with piercing/tattoo drunkenness.


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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 09:57 PM

"That's a pretty cool use of a tattoo, Pixy. That'd be a great way to symbolize your devotion. I'm not a tattoo guy myself, but I could go for that."

Ya, I'm really hoping that my future hubby goes for that, but it's not a dealbreaker if he won't, as long as his reason is okay. If he says that he thinks he'll lose his salvation if he gets a tattoo, then we'd have a BIG problem that extended beyond the tattoo issue itself.

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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 11:14 PM

It seems like every generation has to come up with some form of torture for their parents and all adults in general. It does seem to get more and more extreme with each succeeding generation though. I personally discouraged anything like that with my own son, but I would not make a scene if he now did get a piercing or a tattoo (he�s over 18 years of age now).

It�s a matter of �realities�. I don�t think that either is a Sin (unless it becomes an obsession) and that we should put up with it�although I can not help myself (much like 2sparrows) when it comes to snide remarks (such as �Ow�were you in an Industrial accident?�).

You would think that being a �believer� would �cure� them of this behavior, but then again they most likely see nothing wrong with it and who am I to say that it is?

I don�t believe that Jesus would turn away from anyone simply because they had a nose ring.

Come to think of it�I may just get my BB pierced�if I knew what a BB is? My guess is Big Butt�am I right?



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Body piercings and Tattoos
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 11:37 PM

BB = bellybutton

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