Author Thread: Am I a Minority???

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Am I a Minority???
Posted : 9 Nov, 2010 09:19 AM


I hope people don't take this the wrong way...

I guess the reason I'm here is that I have dated some very nice looking Christian women in my life, but they seem to fall short of what's important on the inside. They seem to derive their pleasure too much from worldly things. And, I maybe wrong, but, do I want my wife/SO to dress so that she attracts the wrong type attention of everyman she meets? It makes me uncomfortable and quite frankly hurts. Is modest a dirty word nowadays, even for so called 'Christian' men and women? I am the kind of guy that will go out of my way, not to look at another woman. I also try to follow I Thes 5:22 by knowing my weaknesses and avoiding those scenarios in which I might be tempted, as well as avoiding doing or being in places that could 'look' bad even if they aren't.

It is also very hard to find other men to be friends with, because when together I find their banter about sex and women make me uncomfortable, so I usually end up a loner, go figure...

Are there any REAL Christian people out there that feel that the relationship between a man and woman is sacred, wonderful and PRIVATE. Has anyone ever noticed that the relationship between a man and woman is a parallel to the relationship between man(and woman) and God?! Or am I just messed up in the head?

Sorry if this sounds angry, but I really am dealing with this in a real way in my life and I need some input from other Christians. Maybe the immediate input I am getting is from luke warm Christians, I don't know.

Meekly and Sincerely,


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Am I a Minority???
Posted : 16 Dec, 2010 06:31 AM

I agree,women who claim to be 'Christians' shouldn't be showing their bodies to attract attention.And no one tell me that that isn't the reason women dress like that.....I've heard the lame excuse"oh,I dress that way for my husband".....not foolin' anyone.Christian should dress modest,and I don't mean wearing potato sacks and paper bags over your head.But not trying to show off your body in a seductive manner would be pleasing to God.And dressing that way with the excuse of "I'm trying to make myself look good to attract a husband".If a guy was truly a Christian,he wouldn't be looking to marry a girl like that.So,are you a minority,maybe.But,that's not a bad thing in this case.

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Am I a Minority???
Posted : 12 Apr, 2011 06:24 PM

I agree.

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