Author Thread: Christian Romance Novels

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Christian Romance Novels
Posted : 1 Nov, 2010 07:08 PM

I've seen a few mention reading them. Are they any better than the regular romance novels? From what I've been able to gather, it seems the equivalent of "Christian Porn".

What do you think about this?

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Christian Romance Novels
Posted : 6 Nov, 2010 01:15 PM

Thank you, Silverfire.

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Christian Romance Novels
Posted : 24 Nov, 2010 03:06 PM

Reading romance novels is emotional porn?

Hmm... The reason the humans enjoy fiction at all is because we respond deeply to the elements of storytelling. Setting, plot, conflict, and resolution - we react and relate to these because we experience them in our life's story. They are part of the story that God set into motion when he created the earth (setting), gave us existence (plot), offered us a choice (conflict), and promised life for those who follow him and separation from him for those who don't (resolution).

Having said that, all human artistic creations are just mimicking the things that God has already created. Even the concept of romance among humans is only a shadow of God's romance with his bride - the church. The only problem with this is that humans have taken the beauty of romance and confused it with the hungers of lust. If the romance novel you read isn't contaminated with lust, I don't see how it can be pornographic unless you allow it to invoke fantasy within yourself.

In other words, read the clean stuff, or you're inviting temptation in. And if you still feel tempted by the clean stuff, avoid it too and read the Bible - it's the best romance novel written. Um and if the Bible tempts you, um, get help.

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