Author Thread: Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?

Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 01:52 PM

Recently in one of the chat rooms, someone said some things that were considered offensive. To justify himself, he said that in witnessing to the youth on the streets, one must compromise in order to have street cred. What do you think? Should we as Christians compromise are lifestyles just to reach others who are lost?

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 17 Oct, 2010 06:28 PM

First of all, sin is sin is sin. I will not disagree with that. And I agree, homosexuality is a sin, which I may not have made clear in my last post.

Second, insulting someone, in my opinion, does not make them want to turn to Christ, instead they are more willing to reject Christ, because in the sinners mind, they are thinking "why would He want me? Everybody else seems to think that I'm not good, even His own followers think I'm not worthy to know of their Savior." And whose to say that someone's sin is greater than anyone's. Yes, we have murderers, rapists, abusers, drug lords, and prostitutes. We tend to see these as big sins, and yet forget that God see lying, cheating in classes, stealing, and adultery on the same level as the first mentioned.

Third, which is what I wanted this discussion to be really be about, is do we have to compromise our standards just to witness to those who are lost? Personally, I find that when we compromise what we believe, those around us start losing respect in us. Also, when we start to compromise in one thing, it becomes easier to compromise in other areas.

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 17 Oct, 2010 06:49 PM

First off "they" (all sinners) hate God regardless if one of His presumed followers insults them, they'll use any and everything for an excuse to Hate Him more. Not that anyone should make it a practice of insulting people but that is not why people don't seek God.

As far as what you wanted the post to be about, I agree with you. We are to hold true to a standard and not compromise for any reason. God never ask man to accept Him, He sets the rules and says this is how to do it and for anyone to compromise or change that is in the wrong. The Bible teaches we are to use the law as a school master or tutor to lead people to the savior Jesus Christ. Unless they see themselves as a sinner in need, they will never see the need for a savior to save them.

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 10:29 AM

Here in lies the rub. I do not compromise my beliefs, my faith nor the Truth I have come to know. I am however accused of compromising Christian standards at times by those Christians who hold themselves to standards not put forth in Bible or by their own interpretation of what the "Christian" thing to do is, i.e. Jesus loves everyone so I should act with love and kindness. My example though might be that of Jesus cleansing the Temple. Would these Christians consider that an act of love? Hardly, yet it is an act of love. An act that reflects love for the Father and His place in our lives and does not disregard the necessity to stir things up a little bit to bring people to their senses so that they might be saved from themselves!

I found in my ministry that honesty and straight forward encounters always had the greatest effect on people. How can we ask someone to trust Jesus if they can't trust us? How will they believe Jesus is real if we aren't real? How will the Spirit confront them if we are not bold enough to confront them? We want to be used by Jesus to lead others to Him but are we holding the map upside down and backwards?


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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 12:37 PM

Compromised truth ceases to be truth. Truth is absolute...not relative.

I would submit that conviction is not brought with the condemnation of sin, but rather with the revelation of Jesus Christ...of juxtaposing the ugliness of sin with the beauty of Grace...death with life. Yes, there may well be times to stir things up...but there are also times to calm the the Spirit leads. An example, John 8 and the adulterous woman...Jesus revealed Himself to her not through condemnation, but through His love and grace and mercy. Yes, we should be boldly proclaiming the Truth of the Gospel...but boldness does not always come in the form of a loud, in-your-face rebuke...sometimes it is quietly extending the love, grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. There should be no compromise in the Message itself...but perhaps we all need to compromise our ideas of how it "should" be presented. Let the Holy Spirit lead...He doesn't work the same in one person as He does in another.

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 01:56 PM

Well said Thunder!

I agree GodsHandiwork we should always follow Jesus' example, Law to the proud, and grace to the humble. The woman caught in adultery knew she was condemned by her sinful actions, so all she could do was humble herself and hope for mercy. And she got it. We live in a much different time. Same principle applies but when have you ever met a truly humbled, broken heart sinner, with a contrite spirit that was ready to repent with out them first seeing what their sins look like compared to the Holiness of God. It is that revelation that dives a sinner to his knees to cry out for mercy. And he receives it. To be honest I have yet to meet that "humble" person, (being nice is not being humble) everyone is proud in heart and spirit and that pride has to be crushed by the cross. Seeing the cross in the light of God's Law helps make the gospel make sense so people will understand. That is not being preached anymore, because someone compromised.

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 20 Oct, 2010 01:50 PM

Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?

No !!! Why would anyone want to do that ? Thats kinda like if ya Cant Beat them with the Bible then Join them in Beatin the Bible up...Jus not a Good way of going bout reachin the lost.

Its a very thin line we all walk when reachin out to the Lost. Thats why I believe its so important for Christians to find thier Spiritual Gifts an pursue those avenues that God can use you in helping others...we cant save them All...but there is always the One that some seed was planted in and we may never know or see the fruit of it in our lifetime...

Some persons are Harsh with the Truth and it can Smart sometimes...others have a gentler approch...but sometimes the easier softer way is pushed aside and some persons just need a good dose of whack upside the head...:winksmile:

I grew up on the I am street smart and book learned but I would never Compromise the Truth or Myself for that matter....xo

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 20 Oct, 2010 10:33 PM

@DontHitThatMark.... not only will they trampple the truth, but pluck you out of your own foundation of faith and truth trying to help them if not careful. ~ GraceMae

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 2 Nov, 2010 09:52 PM

There is a difference between being loving and compromising. I'm not going to call out my roommate for sleeping with his fiance because I have no interest in just stopping them from sleeping together. I am far more concerned with him coming to Christ. Outward change without inward change is still living in sin. When he has a heart change, then it will be time to talk about abstaining from premarital sex (unless they get married first, at which point this becomes a non-issue).

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 20 Nov, 2010 06:31 PM

News Alert to Christians: The lost believe all Christians are hypocrites. What that seals that belief is when non-Christians see us profess to be perfect one day and sin the next. You want to know if it's okay to compromise an image in order to reach the lost. I want to know if it's okay to compromise the lost to maintain an image of holiness that we can't possibly keep.

Of course we want the world to know that Christ saved us and that we are constantly changing because of Him. But can't we do this by being straight-forward and honest with others about our own imperfections?

I don't worry about cursing, , or being honest about life's curveballs around non-Christians. Does this compromise God's message of sanctuary for broken souls? I don't believe it does. God has reached far more lost and hurting people through my real and honest self than he ever did when I tried to keep up a mirage of perfection. Plus trying to pretend to be perfect is exhausting!

This is my take on the subject.

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Gentleman In Need of Gentle Lady

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 25 Nov, 2010 04:55 PM

I cannot see how compromising accomplishes anything. Once they get a foot in the door they will knock it down. It is better to understand others and love them for being a child of God rather than for what they do (at least that is what comes to my mind when I think of a christian compromising).

It is not like Jesus compromised on what was written before to the prophets (which he of course gave to them), but he did love others unconditionally. Although the ten commandments and the other commandments told us what not to do bodily, Jesus added the spiritual component to them. He was one to tell the Priests just what he thought of them, but he was not mean or contrite when he did so. He told them with love what was wrong with them.

As for the word "gay", I have always been bothered with the use of this word when it came to its use in the modern text and language. It never had anything to do with homosexuality. In fact, if you were to look it up in a dictionary, it would essentially say "happy and cheerful". That is why I cringe when I hear someone say it for someone who is a homosexual.

Those that are homosexuals are lost, and they must be loved as Christ loved us, but that does not mean that we have to agree with their attitudes or their actions.

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