Author Thread: Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 04:52 PM

Is sexual intimacy acceptable for men and women who are Christ followers? Do we have a different standard for dating? Please be able to defend your position from a biblical perspective.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 10:05 AM

Jerimiah21 asked ~ Is it okay for Christian Men and Women to engage in other sexual acts as long as they are not going all the way?

Nope !!!! :glow:...Oh My...being a G-Rated Site...G for GOD...

Now...I could be wrong here...BUT...the questions asked and being suggested to visit the Fornication Thread...and saying that this is a differant Topic...Well...I believe some persons want there way of looking at it to be the Exception to the Rule...They want thier Cake and Eat it to so to Speak...I do not believe GOD/Jesus*/HolySpirit make a Distinction betwix the two...It is still SIN and Fornication...xo

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 01:25 PM

Absolutly, sexual intimacy IS acceptable for men and women who are Christ followers. But you ask about dating. If you define dating as what married people do to get away from the kids then I'd say sure thing. But the question is really what sexual intimacy is OK for single adults?

Studies show whatever level of sex-life has been reached in the past will likely rise again. IOW two young people inexperienced are less likekly to know what they are doing. While two divorced people that have already had that area awakened know what they want and are ready to go for it. Thats why the bible says young widows should re- marry. You do not want a bunch of sex starved women running around loose. It is bad enough men fall into that syndrome. So, It is better to marry (having sex) than to burn. Divorce is like an emotional death of a relationship. And marriage is temporal, for this life in the flesh. Like money you cannot take your sex-life with you to heaven. But how you treat others, as sexual targets, may keep you from going there.

Sex before marriage is a smoke screen for the real problem, which is sex after marriage or the lack of it. :dancingp:

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 02:00 PM

That's a very good guideline. I would even take it a bit further. Would you do it in front of Jesus because He sees you at all times.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 02:15 PM

You are absolutely right sin is sin!!! This is still sin. My dad always had a rule that a boy couldn't touch us anywhere we would be wearing a bathing suit. That rule still applies!!!

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 03:14 PM

Shepard/Dave shared ~ So, It is better to marry ( having sex) than to burn. says better to Marry than to burn with desire...that part about ( Having Sex) is your Interpetation smashed into the Text...

I recall discussing this afor in another Thread long ago...You like your Cake and Eat it to...Sorta like...Oh ya...I'll Marry you and Have Sex With You so I dont Burn with Desire...but I wont Marry you as in Commitment with Obligations and All that Stuff and Diffinately not Legal...Like on Paper or Anything...:ROFL:...xo

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 04:01 PM

Sheperd/dave please explain your post. Are you saying sex outside of marriage is ok??????

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 04:21 PM


You are right it is better to marry than to burn but what happens with the other part of the committment of marriage no one wants to sign up for that part. Like bills and children.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 7 Oct, 2010 06:35 PM

I think that the couple (man/wife) can do what they are comfortable doing. If one feels disrespected then...dont do it. I feel like it would be important to discuss it prior to marriage cuz I wouldnt want any surprises and I certainly would want my husband fulfilled and want to know if he would be interested in wierd stuff...cuz it just isnt that type of party :)

In a dating relationship..definitely petting or anything like that. although I am not a virgin and I'm divorced with kids I dont want to give anyone a thrill who is not my husband. Even french kissing can get carried away. I read in a book that it prepares your body for sex. (Purity by Kris Valotton)

Ladies, our husbands will be grateful that we have abstained.

Men, we expect you to as well.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 8 Oct, 2010 08:59 AM

Riveroflife you are right on target with your comments. I learned very early in my dating life not to turn the engine on because I couldn't do anything about it until the honeymoon night. Whenever I go out on a date this is the first topic we discuss prior to the night out. If the man isn't in agreement I stay at home.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 8 Oct, 2010 07:08 PM

It isn't always the men who are dogs, women can be as bad or worse. (I know this) I want to find the woman I will marry that has this attitude:

I learned very early in my dating life not to turn the engine on because I couldn't do anything about it until the honeymoon night. Whenever I go out on a date this is the first topic we discuss prior to the night out. If the man isn't in agreement I stay at home.

On a side note I know in advance so I prepare a head of time when I am out in public I will bounce my eyes because of how women dress. But at church? I wish that would be a sanctuary that I could find encouragement from fellow believers to not sin, instead I have to fight off sin there to.

Ok! Sorry for my off topic rant! But a guys engine gets started differently than a woman's. Just sayin'.

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