Author Thread: Childfree Christians

Childfree Christians
Posted : 2 Oct, 2010 08:40 AM

"The Scripture does not even envision married couples who choose not to have children. The shocking reality is that some Christians have bought into this lifestyle and claim childlessness as a legitimate option. The rise of modern contraceptives has made this technologically possible. But the fact remains that though childlessness may be made possible by the contraceptive revolution, it remains a form of rebellion against God's design and order" -R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Would you disagree with him?

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Childfree Christians
Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 09:35 PM

Not having babies is not a sin. (was that a double negative?) A selfish me only attitude is. And adopting is a wonderful idea, and if that is your calling adopt away, as many as you can! I think it has to do with the heart and there is no way from a distance to know someones heart as to why they chose to not have kids, if you know them their fruit will show the heart. This is not a one size fits all command, some can and do, some can and don't, some can't and want to, and God may have given some the attitude to not want any just to with hold that blessing from them. God is lifting His hand of restraining grace from this country. But today's attitude towards having kids is radically different among Christians than it was not to long ago. And I agree with Thunder it is a numbers game. Soon world wide Christian persecution will be here because the Muslims are reproducing at an alarming rate and Islam and Christianity "can not" coexist. So if you want your kids and grand-kids to be Muslims or to be killed then pat a Muslim on the back and welcome him to the neighborhood.

As far as how the kid turns out, if you send them off to Satan to be educated, what do you expect to be? We need stay at home moms who monitor TV, computer, games, friends & to do home school. But that is another topic all together.

And what's wrong with complaining about Muslims?

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Childfree Christians
Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 10:22 AM

Wow...Heavy stuff here...I agree with alot that was shared. I'll tread lightly an confess...

I am a Childfree Christian. I am one that fed the Flesh of Selfish Desire in my youth...took Birth Control and payd to Ultimate Price for that Choice...when I was ready to settle down and have Children...I could not...

Since the marriage has disolved...I believe it is for the best...doesnt mean I dont Like or Love others children...just means I can't give birth and now am well past the womens time...:winksmile:

As far as Muslims and talkin about them...Dont get me started. Im still trying to gain access to the Mosc / Learning Center as they call it, thats around the corner from where I live...I want to learn...NOT !!!...:ROFL:...xo

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Childfree Christians
Posted : 18 Oct, 2010 01:16 PM

I do not think not wanting to have kids has anything to do with the sinfulness of birth control pills or the multiplication rate of Muslims (or anyone else for that sake). It essentially comes to weather God blessed us with the possibility of sexual intimacy just for the sake of having kids or is there more to it within the borders of marriage. I honestly believe that God created sex for enjoyment within marriage, not just for the sake of procreation. The Song of Songs is probably the best example of this view in the Bible.



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