Author Thread: "itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini..."

"itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini..."
Posted : 30 Jun, 2010 03:08 AM

Let's talk about swimwear... What's okay? What's not? Yay or nay on bikinis? How about one-pieces? How modest are they really?


(quoted lyrics by Brian Hyland)

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"itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini..."
Posted : 14 Jul, 2010 05:00 AM

If you want to swim, you should be able to wear a swimming suit!

If you have never seen a (beautiful) woman in a swimming suit and the looks and thoughts of it, arouse you sexually, then I suggest you should not go near swimming places.

Men have this deficiency to blame the looks of women being the cause for their own dirty thoughts.

There is a whole (false) religion based on this deficiency!

Why do women have to be packed up in cement for them to enjoy the pleasure of a swim?

Why are men so easily sexually tempted and why is this a problem for women to cope with?

Can we expect men to be emotionally mature or do we all have to wear a "b�rka" when we go for a swim?


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"itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini..."
Posted : 14 Jul, 2010 10:42 AM

I guess I was somewhat in a jollygood mood when I wrote the above post.

What I wanted to say is:

There is no excuse for imoral thoughts!

If I see an image of a lot of money, there is no excuse for me thinking to steal or rob a bank! I cannot stand before God and accuse the person who made the photo or the TV network who showed the image!

The same goes for women wearing (in)decent clothing!

If a woman decides to expose her intimate bodyparts, it is no excuse to think lustly and with the flesh!

Jesus is very clear and specific about that.

As christians we may be exposed to all kind of evil but we must be rock-solid in our actions and thoughts.

If a itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini is taking us off track..... then the one to blame is US and not the bikini or the person who dares wear it.


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"itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini..."
Posted : 14 Jul, 2010 08:52 PM

We should also be a little merciful though...I think it's safe to say that no one is a perfect enough christian to avoid temptation all the time, and if I was out with a friend that is a recovering alcoholic, I wouldn't drink in front of him. Sure though, it's not "my fault" if I accidentally tempt him back into sin by my actions, it's all his fault. He was weak. What do I care?:rolleyes::devil: I think it's all about love. If we truly love someone then we will care what our actions cause in them, and we're supposed to truly love even our enemies. How should we treat our brothers and sisters? I"m not advocating burkas, but I think staying on the modest side of whatever the current "dress code" is, isn't too much to ask a christian to do. I also have to ask why women feel the need to wear bikinis? They aren't very practical, and everyone is usually freaking out about losing weight so they'll look extra sexy for "bikini season". Sounds like pride/vanity to me, and not "having fun swimming"....but whatever.


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"itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini..."
Posted : 15 Jul, 2010 12:18 PM

How would you know bikini�s are (not) comfortable?


Just kidding!

Yes you are right, some bikini�s are definitely not designed to swim with.... but rather to show off.

But why do men wear a tanga-swimsuit? I happen to know that tanga�s are really uncomfortable....:ROFL:

Still, I feel that when people are obviously showing too much body-parts, it is not an excuse to start thinking lusty or fleshy. I think (christian) men could really make a little more efforts here and not too easily let go.


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"itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini..."
Posted : 15 Jul, 2010 02:49 PM

You're right, but my point is...shouldn't we be trying to help those poor *insert type of person in addiction/sin* out of *insert type of addiction/sin* until they can stand on their own, or do we pummel them in the face with it, screaming "stop looking! stop drinking! stop smoking! whats your problem!? you're on your own buddy!" I guess that's what I'm trying to point out. And I know I'm doing it a exaggerated way....but it sounds an awful lot like Jesus's parable about the good Samaritan, doesn't it? Nobody wants to help? They just want to do their own thing? Just because we're stronger than everyone else doesn't mean we're above helping them. In fact, being stronger puts us ahead in the line of "Expected to be a Good Samaritan". Anyway...I'm not advocating burkas or becoming amish...just saying. Modesty is a biblical principle. Wear your conscience allows.


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"itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini..."
Posted : 15 Jul, 2010 06:54 PM

**wear what your conscience allows:dunce:


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"itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini..."
Posted : 9 Aug, 2010 02:28 PM

He who trusts in His own heart (ie conscience) is a fool. Prov. 28:26

We need more discussion on what is proper

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