Author Thread: communism(socalism)

Posted : 17 Oct, 2009 09:01 AM

Since 1914, Communism has been gobbling up major portions of the earth, and

always by violent force, intimidation, torture, lies, and

military takeovers.

The USA, was designed before Communism ever existed, and it was designed on

Christian principles to be a collection of states with a small federal

government with very specific and limited powers.

Each state had the real power over its people and they were supposed to compete

for citizens and commerce. The theory being that competition means better


Soon after Russia fell to communists, communist sympathizers in America started

influencing society from the top down. They have been winning incrementally

ever since then, with only a few steps taken back from time to time, when

Americans get angry. They are on the verge of turning America into a socialist

nation, and America is deeply divided.

We are in a perpetual war with communist/socialist/liberals, who wish to control

every aspect of our lives, and our Constitution GUARANTEES the right to life,

LIBERTY, and the pursuit of happiness.

So, we are in a war.

And yes, I will say to you boldly and clearly that there is NO principle, or

belief of liberalism that is in the Bible, and that what is called conservatism,

or more accurately traditional American values, IS clearly taught in the Bible,

at ever point from morals, to work ethic, to business practices, to government.

I want to focus on what the Bible teaches about all these things, because that

certainly is part of a Christian worldview.

In Christ


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Posted : 19 Oct, 2009 05:10 AM

Did not he who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers? (Job 31:15).

Yet you brought me out of the womb; you made me trust in you even at my mother's breast. From birth I was cast upon you; from my mother's womb you have been my God (Psalm 22:9-10).

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:13-16).

This is what the LORD says�he who made you, who formed you in the womb, and who will help you...(Isaiah 44:2).

Listen to me, O house of Jacob, all you who remain of the house of Israel, you whom I have upheld since you were conceived, and have carried since your birth. Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you (Isaiah 46:3-4).

And now the LORD says�he who formed me in the womb to be his servant to bring Jacob back to him and gather Israel to himself, for I am honored in the eyes of the LORD and my God has been my strength (Isaiah 49:5).

The word of the LORD came to me, saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations" (Jeremiah 1:4-5).

When Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. In a loud voice she exclaimed: "Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy" (Luke 1:41-42, 44).

In Christ


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Posted : 19 Oct, 2009 08:37 AM

Explorer about Van Impe I have never bought anything from his site.I do not have cable and so do not follow him.I usually stick my own church.Which right now is Nazerine.I do read a lot of Messianic jewish books.So, my thinking comes from some of the ideas that Istreal was founded on.Just a passing thought.:excited: God owns the land and we rent it.

Some of the feast I like to study.I have books on those items.

:peace: As for missionaries they are to go into a country and just preach salvation mostly.the commies are on their way out.It has been removed from eastern Europe. Looks like Cuba may be next,who is to replace Castro? They have no 2nd in command that is strong.Communism is becoming something of the past.

God opened the door and brought in missionaries at the end of Gorbachev's time.We forget that those people have shut that country down.The parties over in that part of the world are going threw a change.It is painful and we need to support that change.:prayingf::prayingm:

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Posted : 19 Oct, 2009 09:04 AM

I admit that since I saw McCain run I looked at him as a wife cheating piece of scum and never gave it a 2nd thought.I voted for Obama because he was married and went to church.I had a problem with a guy who left his wife after she became disfigured.I was not convinced by his stand.Had a different person won the Republician nom. I would have voted different.I have no childern and my priorty is the character of the man.Obama had more in tune with me.

The only stands McCain had were abortion and gay rights.

:peace:I noticed that you all have kids right?Yes,Steve I checked this out.I have no cable and just follow on the internet.I do not hear all the church leaders some of you talk about.I just pick up books at the christian book store.I buy books that interest me.

Reagan did leave the vote at 4-5 in the court.Bush had a chance to over turn it as in ending it before 1992.I was disapointed then.It could have been removed-abortion.I

So, while we discuss this are any issue the chance went by.

That is how I look at it.I am losing interest in this fight. Just not fired up like I used to be.On some of these issues.

Seen to many thrown away opportunities.:prayingm:

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Posted : 19 Oct, 2009 10:50 AM

Communism is actually a great form of government...if it was a perfect world, and every loved each other/worked really hard. BUT the sad story is...this world sucks. People are lazy and self-centered. Supposedly only %20 of the population takes the time to think for themselves on important issues....and I believe it...seen it so much it's not funny. The early christian church was communal but they also said, "he who does not work does not eat", where socialism basically says... "everybody eats, and hard-working people pay for it". The forms of capitalism are the best form of secular government for this krappy world we live in. While capitalism is also not perfect, it is WAY better then communism/socialism. I just think it's kinda funny....with all the proof out there? Who here wants to move to China? Russia? North Korea? Anyone? I'm sorry...but I wish everyone that wanted to be "socialist/communist" would move somewhere else and leave the United States alone. I liked it the way it was. I don't think it needs to change, that is what got us into trouble in the first place. If you don't like it? Move to Canada. You can still visit if you want.


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Posted : 19 Oct, 2009 12:28 PM

I think the same could be said of socialism and capitalism as well.

Unfortunately it is not a perfect world which makes all three forms of government highly flawed and suspect to power and greed and corruption.

We still are blessed to live in the Greatest Nation in the World, and I think most have no idea just how close we are to becoming a second or possibly even a third world nation. It is really just on big natural disaster or one terrorist act away from happening, and I think most people are oblivious to this and prefer to keep it that way. Sort of the same way they don't really want to think about God, Heaven, Hell, Satan or what comes after all this.


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Posted : 19 Oct, 2009 12:57 PM

There is only one good thing about the Obama administration's attempts to nationalize most health care and to begin to control Americans' energy consumption through cap-and-trade: clarity about the left. These attempts are enabling more and more Americans to understand the thinking and therefore the danger of the left.

The left has its first president � with the possible exception of Franklin Delano Roosevelt � and for the first time controls the Democratic Party and both houses of Congress. In the name of compassion for the sick and the poor and in the name of preventing worldwide environmental catastrophe, it is attempting to remake America.

In so doing some principals of the left are becoming clearer to more Americans:

Principal One: The left, as distinct from traditional liberals, is not, and has never been, interested in creating wealth. The left is no more interested in creating wealth than Christians are in creating Muslims or Muslims in creating Christians. The left is interested in redistributing wealth, not creating it. The left spends the wealth that private enterprise and entrepreneurial risk-taking individuals create.

The left does not perceive that poverty is the human norm and therefore asks, "Why is there poverty?" instead of asking the economic question that matters: Why is there wealth? And the obvious result of the left's disinterest in why wealth is created is that the left does not know how to create it.

Principal Two: The reason the left asks why there is poverty instead of why there is wealth is that the left's preoccupying ideal is equality � not economic growth. And those who are preoccupied with equality are more troubled by wealth than by poverty. Ask almost anyone on the left � not a liberal, but a leftist like Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi � which society they consider more desirable, a society in which all its members were equally lower middle class or one in which some were poor, most were middle class, and some were rich (i.e., America today). And whatever they say, in their hearts, the further left they are the more they would prefer the egalitarian society.

Principal Three: The left everywhere seeks to make as big and powerful a state as possible. It does so because only the state can redistribute society's wealth. And because only a strong and powerful state can impose values on society. The idea of small government, the American ideal since its inception, is the antithesis of the left's ideal.

The cap-and-trade bill's control of American energy and the "ObamaCare" takeover of American health care will mean an unprecedented expansion of the state. Added to increased taxes and the individual becomes less and less significant as the state looms ever larger. Americans will be left to decide little more than what they do with vacation time � just as Western Europeans do. Other questions are largely left to the state.

Principal Four: The left imposes its values on others whenever possible and to the extent possible. That is why virtually every totalitarian regime in the 20th century was left-wing. Inherent to all left-wing thought is a totalitarian temptation. People on the left know that not only are their values morally superior to conservative values, but that they themselves are morally superior to conservatives. Thus, for example, the former head of the Democratic Party, Howard Dean, could say in all seriousness, "In contradistinction to the Republicans, we don't think children ought to go to bed hungry at night."

Therefore, the morally superior have the right, indeed the duty, to impose their values on the rest of us: what light bulbs we use, what cars we drive, what we may ask a prospective employee, how we may discipline our children, and, of course, how much of our earnings we may keep.

It is dishonest to argue that the right wants to impose its values to anywhere near the extent the left does. This can be demonstrated to a fifth-grader: Who wants more power � those who want to govern a big state or those who want to govern a small state?

The president of the United States and the much of the Democratic Party embody these left-wing principals. Right now, America's only hope of staying American rather than becoming European lies in making these principals as clear as possible to as many Americans as possible. The left is so giddy with power right now, we actually have a chance.

In Christ


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Posted : 20 Oct, 2009 08:28 AM the truth.


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Posted : 20 Oct, 2009 04:59 PM

Food for thought

The job of the church is also to take care of those in need.Like provide care until they a brother can get back on his feet.What happens when they do not do this.

capatialism says this pursuit of happiness and little assItance from the state.So,you could lose everything you have by a freak chance or illness.

Government paid health care pays for your medical needs even if you can not afford it.

Now,I never said abortion is a medical need.It is not.Women do not need to get an abortion- NO,NO- abortion.

All 3 systems are not perfect.

Some of you know that I am on meds for seizures.Said that in another post.I get emails from christian groups opposing Obama's health care.I delete them. Why- the church is also to help those in need.I was layed off in May.My health Ins. runs out in November. So,if I can get no help what would I support- Obama's health care.AAHHHHHHH!!!!

Point made.

What needs to change?

Are we so caught up in ourselves that the church would not have a fund to take care of those with medical needs.Is it not a commandment to take care of those in need?

See my point.

If you give to help those with medical needs this does not apply to you.

How can some one condenm me for seek selfpersvation.

I am just trying to survive.

If it takes a health plan then so be it.

It is easy to quote bible verses and not pray for your brother in need.I have been slightly critized.this puzzles me as none of us are perfect.

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Posted : 20 Oct, 2009 08:20 PM

I really need to jump in on this conversation, but alas, it is late.

Maybe later? :)

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Posted : 21 Oct, 2009 02:20 PM

Survive by your own means. If you think the government is going to do this for free then you are sadly mistaken. And a lot of money is going to be sadly "mis-taken" from a lot of hard-working people so you can have your selfish-preservation. It's almost like stealing when you force people to help you. Self-preservation is not a christian mode of conduct. Stick close to God, He will take care of you. Trust in Him instead of trusting in humans. And about "capitalism losing everything from freak illness". Do you think the "Obama-care" is going to protect you from that? A meteor could crush your house in the next 5 seconds. Are you going to live in fear or trust God to take care of you?


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