Author Thread: Paid ministry - for or against?

Paid ministry - for or against?
Posted : 19 Nov, 2013 02:36 AM

Your opinions and reasoning please. Personally I'm against it as there's likely to be a conflict of interest - look at the bitter issue of women bishops in the CofE; how many of them want the position because of the extra pay, benefits or status? (I can't think of a single benefit spiritually)

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Paid ministry - for or against?
Posted : 22 Nov, 2013 05:20 AM

I believe they should receive some money, but that they should also have jobs. One of the first ministers I knew, not only fulfilled his duties, but also owned and operated a waste disposal service. Not a garbage removal company. He went around to the large factories around here and removed waste products like cardboard/paper, metal stripping, etc., separated them, and recycled them.

He still had services on Sunday, ministered to the sick, elderly, those with troubled hearts/spirits, etc. If I remember correctly, he received $100/week for his ministerial services back in the 70's and 80's. He is now gone to be with our Lord, but he is still missed.

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Paid ministry - for or against?
Posted : 24 Nov, 2013 10:06 AM


I've no problem with clergy claiming expenses from their church finances whilst "working", but I do believe they've a duty to minimise the burden they place on others. Paul wrote of this that he continued in his trade of tent making so that the money collected in the early churches went to the poor and needy. Jesus of course never collected a salary (not having bought house or land, it's possible He saved whilst working as a carpenter to fund His ministry, some disciples will have sold possessions and pooled their money whilst others may have worked on an itinerant basis as they moved around).

Certainly in the UK, with the exception of the CofE, RC church and those imported from the US such as vineyard, paid ministry is very much the rarity and the ministers hold jobs elsewhere to meet their normal day to day cost of living, the same as their congregation.

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Paid ministry - for or against?
Posted : 3 Dec, 2013 05:20 AM

being content with food and rainment....

knowing that its only your coin when your face is on it...

not called to be minister to systems of the world,i.e. time,money,titles,properties....

Called to be servants of The Eternal,All Conquering,All Encompassing,Kingdom of Heaven...

why do we even waste effort weighing ourselves down with spare change?

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Paid ministry - for or against?
Posted : 18 Dec, 2013 11:04 AM

I know it's not wrong to have a small salary from the church and there's nothing wrong with a person devoting their life to a church and receiving a modest income. I disapprove of pastors that become insanely rich while they still have homeless people in their pews. I find that sort of wealth disparity in a church to be disturbing.

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