Author Thread: plural christian marriage

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plural christian marriage
Posted : 26 Sep, 2012 09:28 AM

I find this mail (pasted below) from somebody here, greatly disturbing. This is with regards to "plural christian marriage".

I would love to hear you people's take on this.


thank you for viewing my profile.

I very much like your profile and would

love to get in communication with you I think that we both, our lifes and

characters don�t really fit into such a

small profile so. Let me tell you a little about myself.

I have tried all my life to follow the

Lord has good as I could and to leave

the ways of men behind and have been

searching for true happiness and eternal

progress. The Lord is great and has blessed me so much! I am married to my wonderful wife

Emma and we have two amazing

children, a boy 7 years and a girl 3


We as a family are looking for another

woman to join us in peace, love and harmony as we feel incomplete at the


We are looking for the special woman

that wants to live with us in christian

plural marriage covenanted before the

Lord, like it is mentioned in the bible for example. Marriage is holy to us! So here you can not only receive a

husband but also a sister and two

children. This is a life that has to be revealed to

you by God himself, it is kind of a

"personal calling".

We feel this holy calling of the Lord to

live how the prophets of old have

lived! We are seaching for the woman God

has promised to send to us. So I want to humbly ask you to inquire

the Lord if this is a life for you.

You are HIS precious daughter so HE

will answer your prayers. If this is something you can imagine for

your life I would be more than happy

to start communication. If this is something you can not imgaine

for you than I wish you the best for

your future and may you find what you

are looking for. I want you to be happy and find joy

and your place in life! I am looking forward to hear from you.

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plural christian marriage
Posted : 7 Dec, 2012 05:51 PM

No, I know you're absolutely correct, but I do think that majority of godly christian people are in the catholic church. It's not a requirement of salvation to know all truth, and I don't believe any of us do. The mans name is "Bishop Michael Nazir�Ali", and when a man speaks truth, I have no more problem quoting Bishop Michael Nazir�Ali than I do Martin Luther. He was absolutely right. Just because it's in the bible that Lot decided to offer his virgin daughters to be raped to appease the sodomites, it doesn't mean it was a god ordained practice. It was the act of a fearful man in a messed up scenario. It was described, but it was not prescribed. Meaning that it was told to us as a description of what was going on during the judgment of Sodom, but it doesn't mean God says that we should do it. The same logic follows for polygamy.


P.S. Dougy is a great teacher though, ain't he? He's one of my favorites, very reasonable and down to earth. Usually! None of us are perfect in knowledge.

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plural christian marriage
Posted : 8 Dec, 2012 02:31 PM

DontHitThatMark, first of al thanks for your reply. I do agree with

you that knowing the whole 100% is not a requirement of salvation,

but I think that some churches and oganizations diverged from what

Christianity is really about, and they end up teaching us only 70%,

of which 20% is changed, added, made up, false... I guess you know

about the history of the catholic church, and how much of the word

of God is left in it, so I won't elaborate that topic here. It's

just that I think that all had been said and done by Jesus. And Him

we should follow. And also the bible, ofcourse properly translated,

is absolutly perfect, and does not need anything more to be added.

So if each individual would go by that one perfect theory, the word

of God, he or she would get to know a lot more than only 50% some

churches let us, or want us, to know. And if it's about Doug, I

totally agree with you that he is one of those great teachers. And

just like he once said, I also don't think that John Paul 2, or as

you mentioned Michael Nazir�Ali, where bad people. They might have

done and do everything they could or can to make the world a better

place. But it's like a mother giving her drug addicted son some money

for drugs, so he wouldn't have to suffer. She just doesn't know any

better, and that is all she can do. But we know she loves him and wants

him to feel better. If she'd know God, she would exactly know what to do!

If the pope would know God, he would exactly know what to do! But did he?

I just want you to know that I do not say that I don't listen to any

bishop or teacher, it's just that I know that some of them are mislead

by others, and promote a -man's- word, not God's word. I hope you know what

I'm writing about. If not, let me know, and put your brother on the right

track again. If it's about polygamy: I'll look up those things you said

there, and if having any questions, I hope you will help me out.

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plural christian marriage
Posted : 9 Dec, 2012 06:43 AM

To the sister who recieved this email, i say its a "big" one you got.

@Armin, respectful dear brother, sometimes your quotations and renditions of the bible verse makes it hard for anyone to say where exactly you are on this rampant issue. You wrote and I quote "Apostelle, you posted that 'This is not the OT times and Jesus said nothing about harems being ok.' Maybe he didn't, but did he at least say that it is -not ok-, and why it isn't?" Again, your bracing up, using the parable of the 10 virgins was something of unusual. The parable of ten virgin in Mathew 25:1-13, first was a parable. We were never told it happened (or you got prove it did). Jesus said "At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins......." Mark the expression, the kingdom will BE LIKE...It means can be likened to. Its an analogy woven by Jesus to portray his message. It never suggest 10 virgins were in a hot race to get married to one LUCKY MAN! No! We should stop helping God to suggest meaning of his words.

@Armin, You said "Maybe he didn't, but did he at least say that it is -not ok-, and why it isn't?".....for the fact that Jesus never mentioned polygamy VERBATIM does not mean he never had his teaching on it. Let me ask you, When Jesus was on earth, did he mentioned the name of your country? Did he? Hence there are many things while he was here, he never mentioned, but that do not suggest he never had his instructions on them.

While Jesus was here, POLYGAMY (please that's the name and not Pluralized marriage or whatever they shadow it as) was not the major highlight he left heaven for. It was REDEEMING us and dyeing for us that was paramount. He however said in John 16:13 "King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) - Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come". In the Holy Spirit now here upon us and infilling us, the man born again is expected to be led. The Spirit of truth can lead you wrong!

Titus 1:6 King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) - "If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly." How about that? Is this still not the Holy Spirit of God speaking here the things He heard from Jesus according to John 16:13? The same he is now telling the Church!

Please we must be aware of some of this dangerous doctrines that are subtle enough to find associations with the scriptures thereby deceiving many people. Believe it, not every doctrine propelled by people in these last days will always be unattached to the scriptures...Most will attempt sit atop a bible verse, yet they are erroneous.

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plural christian marriage
Posted : 9 Dec, 2012 12:57 PM

I've always thought that the 10 virgins were more like bridesmaids or light-bearers. And it doesn't really follow that a bridegroom would cut out half of his brides because they forgot oil. Being married to 10 women at once has got to be a record if they were actual brides!


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plural christian marriage
Posted : 10 Dec, 2012 07:00 AM

If we look into the scripture with unveiled and open eyes, we shall all see that it was a parable used by Jesus to represent an idea or convey a moral thoughts. None should help Jesus legalize them as actual representation of physical exactness in view of a scripted or unscripted character(s).

Matthew 25:1-13 - 1 �At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of the virgins were foolish, and five were wise. 3 When the foolish ones took their lamps, they did not take extra olive oil with them. 4 But the wise ones took flasks of olive oil with their lamps. 5 When the bridegroom was delayed a long time,267 they all became drowsy and fell asleep. 6 But at midnight there was a shout, �Look, the bridegroom is here! Come out to meet him.� 7 Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, �Give us some of your oil, because our lamps are going out.� 9 �No,� they replied. �There won�t be enough for you and for us. Go instead to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.� 10 But while they had gone to buy it, the bridegroom arrived, and those who were ready went inside with him to the wedding banquet. Then the door was shut. 11 Later, the other virgins came too, saying, �Lord, lord! Let us in!� 12 But he replied, �I tell you the truth, I do not know you!� 13 Therefore stay alert, because you do not know the day or the hour�

Looking at the first line of verse 1. It says "AT THAT TIME...THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN..WILL BE LIKENED...." Does this get to anyone knowing, that Jesus only compared (likened) heaven with the 10 Virgin story. If there was anything to learn in Jesus message, it must had been the message of the KINGDOM and not the 10 Virgins....

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plural christian marriage
Posted : 11 Dec, 2012 03:27 AM

Philipian, I understand the 10 virgins story is a symbolic parable.

But what's making me think, is that as far as I know, Jesus could

not have allowed himself to tell an examplary story, with sinners

in it as the main characters, and to put them in a good light. That

is the thing which is confusing me here, if polygamy is a sin.

Virgins, bridegroom, wedding. Symbolic, but in my opinion polygamic.

I'll get back on this some day, because to be honest I must say that

I cannot criticize, or write a review on Harry Potter, if I simply

haven't read the whole book from a to z, without skipping a word.

I'll go read some more now. Thank you though for being so helpfull!

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plural christian marriage
Posted : 28 Jan, 2013 03:45 AM

Like what the letter sender said, it is up to your conviction.

Personally I am not for a multiple wives family but reading the OT the patriarchs were into that kind of family unit. There is no mention though of a woman with multiple husbands at the same time, and divorce is even an authority or privilege? given to the husband not the such situation did happened and they were even so blessed... I am just sharing my views, I am no authority on Biblical doctrine.

Again, to my understanding, the man married to only one wife and have upright children is a requirement for those who will lead the church and so for those who are not maybe they are allowed? I am not sure...still up to your conviction. To my understanding the ten commandments is also silent on such situation, correct me if I am wrong.

Philippines is the only country without divorce (for the non-Muslim Filipinos, Muslims have divorce) but in reality multiple family of one man is common specially among our politicians and ordinary men who can afford to support, or even those who can't for child support here is not mandatory. Men here can fool as many women as they can and give child support only if they want to. Well, it is wrong but it is the reality.

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