Author Thread: Sexual Immorality/Lust

Sexual Immorality/Lust
Posted : 16 Aug, 2012 02:30 AM

Dont we know that its a sin??? (1cor.5) . Why is it so that most men on here are after just physical pleasure even if they call themselves christians? I had to bluntly tell few people to either stop lusting or change their profile statement that calls themselves servant of God. It grieves my spirit. I am sure there could be women as well,but since its men who writes to me or its usually men that my sisters on here complaining about men just after sex/lust whatever you call it. For instance, I refused to talk about physical intimacy to a couple men who were interested in me,then they called me lesbian/confused between men and women. Whats wrong with today's world?

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Sexual Immorality/Lust
Posted : 1 Oct, 2012 12:53 PM

I dont even come to this site anymore cuz even when i do log on its the same ten girls that were here a year least in the wisconsin section. Plus these forums are over run with conservative know it alls

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Sexual Immorality/Lust
Posted : 26 Jun, 2013 01:00 AM

God gave sex as a great gift only between a husband and a wife, one man and one woman who love each other and are joined by God in holy matrimony. God didn�t mean sex to be wasted, disgraced and stained in lust and immoral deeds but to glorify the unity of a married couple.

People can call me narrow-minded or conservative but God gave us healthy and safe guidelines for life and they can be found in the Bible whoever wants to see them and people who call themselves Christians should commit to those values and respect them in ones own life.

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Sexual Immorality/Lust
Posted : 15 Aug, 2013 05:27 AM

this is so true and I have only been on here for a few weeks

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