Author Thread: Why does this happen to me? (dream related)

Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 9 Aug, 2012 08:09 PM

Ever since I was 13 or so I started having dreams that came to be premonitions, meaning that I would see images of certain events then they would happen in real life. I have far too many of these incidents to be just called "coincidences"

At times I foresee events with such details that when it happens in real life my mouth literally drop to the floor. I have seen people before they show up in my life, catastrophic events around the world, or even just small things that still hold significance but I still don't know how and why this is happening.

If you have any christian or personal explanation, I would be open to discussion, Thanks.

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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 15 Aug, 2012 08:38 PM

"is it Love to judge a man without knowing his heart? ...think they know whats best for someone else when they don't even live the life God would have for them"

Really mike? Accuse someone of judging and then a split second later you do the exact same thing.

You drove a young woman off this site by making fun of something she believes in and then tried to hide behind "humor".

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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 15 Aug, 2012 09:18 PM

Oh my,I drove her from this site! and now I'm hiding? lol,are you serious buddy? You need to start paying attention to that book your smackin people upside the head with!!!

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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 15 Aug, 2012 09:20 PM

You made your post and within an hour she had closed her account.

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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 15 Aug, 2012 09:29 PM

Oh and as far as "that book" Im "smackin people upside the head with". Its called the Word of God and I dont hold to a watered-down version of Christianity.

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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 15 Aug, 2012 09:30 PM

and you have the authority to know what is going on in that woman's life to state with fact that my attempt at humor,regardless of how distastefull you might consider it,is the cause of this persons abandoning this site?You consider God that weak that a foolish man has the authority to drive away His followers?My guess is that women is going to do just fine without this site!If she is truly seeking God then He WILL use this experience to strengthen her.

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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 15 Aug, 2012 09:38 PM

Now mr apostate,weather Christianity is watered down by foolish men or not GOD STILL IS IN CONTROL! Rather than arguing with me why not go speak sweatly to one of these beautiful Christian ladies and leave me to live my life the way my Lord Jesus my Savior and I see fit?I'm thinkin the Holy Spirit within me is doin a fine job and doesn't need your help!

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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 15 Aug, 2012 09:58 PM

I know, from her follow-up post, that she was "offended" by what you said. I was online at the time and noticed that she left soon afterward. A leads to B which leads to C.

Really? Namecalling? Apostate? lol

Yes, God is always in control, but those who are newly converted, or weak in their faith, can be easily led astray by watered-down Christianity. But I too am done with this thread. Luke 9:5

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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 15 Aug, 2012 10:11 PM


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Why does this happen to me? (dream related)
Posted : 13 Apr, 2013 04:20 PM

Such dreams are part of the prophetic gifts of the Lord and to be expected. Many prophets were given visions and dreams in the Bible.

Many people confuse prophetic gifts with psychic gifts...they are NOT the same thing at all because the source behind them is totally different.

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