Author Thread: Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????

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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 1 Jul, 2012 06:58 AM

Am I the only one that see's both individuals as well as whole churches conforming to the world? I see the Christian world doing everything the world does it is a copy cat religion trying to draw people in by doing things that look like secular but add Jesus pictures to it............. So what do you think it means to live in the world but not be of the world........... ???? I hear arguments about alcohol for example......... I see people on here that are not good examples in my humble opinion.... (I realize we are all in different areas of healing and growth with the Lord) what are your thoughts and yes I know many will think I am rigid or legalistic.... I just don't want to be lukewarm in my walk... it's a hard path for sure.............

Be Blessed,


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Cold, Hot, Lukewarm - Conforming to????
Posted : 26 Mar, 2013 07:15 AM

Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God has given you eyes to see and ears to here! Wise response > I have so much to say but would be a book! Perhaps fellowship & discussion if you are open to that sometime soon........

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