Author Thread: Remarriage as a Christian

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Remarriage as a Christian
Posted : 12 Feb, 2009 10:48 AM

Is it ok? Who can remarry, who cant? before you answer....

Matthew 5:31-32

Mark 10:11-12

1 Cor 7

And I would request that any argument be backed up with scripture. Although, it will be hard to stay away from opinion, since the topic is (I think purposefully) not immediately clear.

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Remarriage as a Christian
Posted : 9 Mar, 2009 02:14 AM

So then, may I ask what if in the case of adultery, or incest, or rape? Then what? If the spouse is unwilling to repent or the safety of the children or spouse is comprimised then what?

I somehow cannot believe that a loving Father would not allow a way out of the relationship, especiallly if the other is not willing to repent.

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Remarriage as a Christian
Posted : 10 Mar, 2009 05:35 AM

I can tell you that the more we look to explain this the more it can get away from the truth. That is for me the reason we have the Holy Spirit. (Without the H. S. we look for compromise.)

I was married for 26 years, and the only man I have ever been with. God asked me to love him unconditionally, (to not base my love for him on what he did but rather on what God had done for me and love him as God loves me.) When he was unfaithful I forgave him and I remained faithful. To this day I love him and would have stayed with him but final he asked for a divorce. His leaving was because he chose to remain unfaithful and caught up in sexual immorality. I never condoned his behavior nor was I a door mat, I faithfully stood by in forgiveness asking him to stand as God asks us all to turning away from sin.

So where did that leave me. As the Holy Spirit guides me to God and as God leads there I will follow. If as I move forward God puts into my heart to share my life with someone again I will trust Him to help see me through. Is it His will for me to remarry, this I can�t tell you right now. What I can say as I turn to Him He directs and as I put Him first he tends to my needs.

Here lays the answer, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. Is it ok to talk to and date after a divorce, I would say yes as long as your focused on the right thing. To build relationships that brings you closer to God. Is it ok to remarry, it isn�t a sin to marry, it isn�t a sin to love someone, it is a sin to let any relationships come between you and God.

I have a tattoo, and many people say I have sinned because the word tells us not to be tattooed like the pagans. Then I show them the tattoo and say, �Do you think when I get to heaven God Son will not allow me in because I have a tattoo that reminds me of How much God loves me and is filled with His word?� If you look at the way Jesus taught everything, and did everything, He did it all to bring glory to God, even healing a man on the Sabbath. Does this mean everything is ok, no and even Paul said all things are possible but not all things are profitable, (Paraphrased.) But if everything we do is measure against bring glory to God then we will be heading in the right direction.

So where we are unclear as to what to do and the scriptures give some direction but not completely clear then measure it against is this or will this bring glory to God, am I heading the direction for the Holy Spirit, and is it well with my soul. Then I say if you glorify God in your remarriage then if it isn�t what God intended as much of what we do every day isn�t in line with His will, God�s grace is sufficient!

That is my prayer for myself and you all. Amen

Blessings Trish

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Remarriage as a Christian
Posted : 23 Mar, 2009 08:06 PM

This is something that we all seem to think about quite a bit.

The scriptures have been put out there through all of the posts prior to this.

My hope and faith in this situation is that God will speak to my heart when the time comes to make the decision.

It is my heart's desire to remarry, but is it God's will for me?

If we are seeking God's will and direction in our lives, do you not think that he will make it clear what is allowable and blessed if we are listening?

Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

It is my prayer that he will show me the way.

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