Author Thread: Porn

Posted : 6 Jan, 2012 04:09 PM

Christian radio, WLUJ, spokes person said there were over 40% Christian men, single and married alike are looking at porn.

This is a Sin. All unrighteousness is Sin.

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Posted : 9 Feb, 2012 04:59 PM

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So that we keep on focus, YES viewing pornography is a sin. It is sexual immorality and those who practice a lifestyle of sexual immorality are truly not saved, (just like those who practice a lifestyle of alcoholism, homosexuality, thievery, etc) Those who would even argue on a neutral position of pornography are those who are living in 'deception'. That is what sin does and the depraved human flesh lives in. It is very important to understand that those who view pornography do so privately behind a computer screen. Those same people would scarcely argue that watching two people commit sexual acts together in real life would be ok before God. Thus, those who try to take a neutral or 'ok' position with pornography are what i would like to call 'keyboard warriors'. They have certain 'sin' they believe is ok as long as nobody knows about it, or noone else is getting hurt. However, like i said, sin is 'deceiving' and there is no sin that simply hurts the one person. Look at the example of David for example whom simply watched Bathsheba bath, he lusted after her (committing adultery in his heart), which eventually he called her up to his quarters, had sex with her, then eventually murdered her husband, and then lost his first baby to her.) Sin does indeed have it's consequences. 2nd Samuel 11 There is also the case of Herod who beheaded John the Baptist after Herodias daughter simply danced sexually before him and others he asked her for any wish she desired. (the beading of John the Baptist). Mark 6:18 A man (or women) that watches porn, is a person who is feeding their flesh, their sinful nature. If they feed the flesh, they will do the things of the flesh. What starts off as lust and adultery in the mind, turns into lust of body, and adultery away from the computer screen. Men will look at women differently, as objects of sexual pleasure, rather than women created in the image of God. Now, going aside for a moment and even talking about 'masturbaition (spelled wrong on purpose)' would be a sin as well. To masturbait, one must entertain a lustful thought. Pornography was invented to stimulate sexual desire in people, albeit sinful sexual desire. One who says they can masturbait without lusting after someone is simply a liar, who is like the Pharisees in that they are 'white washed tombs'. Wanting to look clean on the outside when they are dead mans bones on the inside. Pornography ultimately, is Satan's tool to destroy the holiness and sanctity of marriage, to destroy the intimacy of marriage, and to promote loose living and adulterous relationships. It stains the marriage bed with sin.... I would like to also say lastly that there is more harm in viewing pornography and no response on this website can do justice to all the Bible verses where people fell into lust, committing sin, which led to disastrous results not only for themselves but others. Remember those who try to justify nakedness by saying Adam and Eve were naked forget willingly that when they were naked and ok with it, they hadn't sinned yet. After they sinned, they hid themselves from God, and covered themselves, as they then realized they had broken a Holy God's command, and from that moment on struggled with sin. (Notice God clothed them as he knew now that they were sinners, they would forever struggle with sin and future generations could not look upon each others nakedness without sin.) So the reason we cannot all run around naked, or view pornographic photos is because now we are wretched sinners, for if we were not sinners, we would have no desire to lust, and we would therefore, have no desire to look at pornographic pictures. remember these few verses in closing. You either believe the Bible is the Word of God or you do not. Hebrews 13:4 Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. Matthew 5:28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart. Job 31:1 I have made a covenant with my eyes. How then could I look at a young woman? (how could i look with lust at a young women) James 1:14-15 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.

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Posted : 12 Feb, 2012 01:14 PM

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This is a Moral issue for many SO called Christian People

and a very appropriate discussion topic.

Christian Radio ...addresses this Topic.


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Posted : 12 Mar, 2012 02:02 AM

good answer bro!

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Posted : 27 May, 2012 06:53 AM

Pornography is an abomination--it will destroy you. About the statistic of 40% of Christian men viewing porn--lie. Those men are not Christians if they refuse to repent and continue in their perversion. Most professing Christians are not actually Christians. "By this we know that we know him: that we KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS and his commandments are not burdensome.". True faith is evidenced by fruit. If someone says they are a Christian but refuses to give up porn--they are no Christian at all. They will have their part in the judgement to come according to God. "the sexually immoral will not inherit the kingdom!"

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Posted : 20 Mar, 2014 10:44 AM

:applause: :glow: :waving: :yay:

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Posted : 20 Mar, 2014 11:10 AM

Realized too late that my last post looked like I was saying Yay to Porn but I was actually saying Yay etc. to the comments about it being a sin, why it's a sin, the verses to back it, and what it leads to and causes. Sorry for oopsies guys. I'm definitely not ok with porn to me it is adultery, Pleasing yourself without your wife is adultery. The Lord said something I don't remember where about wasting of your seed not being good. I totally agree with this too it shouldn't be wasted. Also what are you thinking about or looking at to please yourself? Also notice it is called pleasing yourself, Love should be completely selfless in any form, including just dating, but especially our love for Christ. So I think this too would indicate that it is wrong. I'm not here to judge either but I will say that something is wrong and that I wouldn't be ok with it. However Christ calls us to Show each other unconditional love and forgiveness. So that means I'll forgive you but I will also stand by your side as you get help with it and stand in agreement with you in asking the Lord's forgiveness and help to rebuke the spirit of Jezebel away from you and for HIS strength, courage wisdom, knowledge, and unconditional love, to help you break those cycles and walk the path The Lord Christ Jesus has planned for you instead. I know all too well that someone nagging you, putting you down and all around being mean thinking they are being helpful only does more damage. By causing the person to get down on themselves, which weakens their resolve more, instead of uplifting them, and makes them turn to their comfort zones more. For these people it is a real problem that needs love and support to break. Not Judgement and Hurtful things to help them trip! I guess I should of just posted this one first lol Praise God for anyone who is actually fighting this or has already over come this life struggle! Shalom to you all!

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