Author Thread: christian sex

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christian sex
Posted : 16 Oct, 2011 07:14 AM

I have never been with a christian man, so what are the standards in the daitng game and after marriage. I would be very disappointed if the missionary position is the only relations acceptable. How far is too far in crossing the line in a guys mind and staying true to his faith. The bible does not talk about oral sex or kissing, touching, ect.

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christian sex
Posted : 18 Oct, 2011 07:48 AM

wise reply for someone so young

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christian sex
Posted : 18 Oct, 2011 07:50 AM

wise reply for somone so young

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christian sex
Posted : 19 Oct, 2011 03:45 PM


I just wanted to say that was a Well Said Comment you made for a very young man. God Bless...Charlene

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christian sex
Posted : 20 Oct, 2011 08:57 AM

read the book of Soloman. That should give you some ideas as to what is right after marriage.

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christian sex
Posted : 21 Oct, 2011 01:58 PM

Christian sex should be in a Marriage relationship.

Kiss & hug is during courtship for marriage.

This is if you are a Christian and trying to follow Christ.


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christian sex
Posted : 22 Oct, 2011 04:33 PM

define christian sex

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christian sex
Posted : 22 Oct, 2011 06:24 PM

Any king of sex Only between husband and wife.

If you are a Christian. sex should be in a Marriage.

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christian sex
Posted : 24 Oct, 2011 09:56 AM

I do not believe the genitals were made for the mouth and leads to lust once you experience it and can destroy a marriage. (face to face, missionary and kissing are true affections.)

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christian sex
Posted : 2 Nov, 2011 11:52 AM

if your NOT married (according to bible) it's wrong.

However, everything in the marriage bed is permit if pleasure to both spouses, and kept within the pravacy of that couple.

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christian sex
Posted : 3 Nov, 2011 09:02 PM

I understand what you are asking as I am ondering the same thng, its not an apropratequestion for my pastor,lol so I am thankful for this post, I was taught by a woman who I very much respect that oral sex is nt permited at all even in marrige, this was consider frnication even in marrige as was any position besides missionary, she also aid masterbation was a sin, this iswhat I think... If you are a Christian then you believe Godis always with you and watching you, if it makes you ashmed then dont do it, I am not married but I couldnt even think about masterbation because I know he is watching me, as far as sex in marrige I dont know becauseI am not there yet but I think when the time comes anything that seems like a porno film will be out of the question.I just dont thinkI could be involved in oral sex and not feel like I was doing something wrong and God would be watching even if I was married, kissing absolutly should be saved for marrige. hugging,holding hands, and emracing as lng as boddies arent being rubbed against each other is ok,but just trying not to break certain rules and still get by with as much as you can isnt the Christianway, purity is astate ofmind as well keeping your thoughts pure is important too so we shouldnt be pushing boundrys we should be stayingas far from them as possble,we should never be confused with the world and the closer we get to the boundries , the more we look like the rest of the world

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