Author Thread: Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 19 Sep, 2011 09:25 AM

I don't keep up with a lot of the big-name evangelists out there. Perhaps I should, but I don't, so naturally I don't know too much about Pat Robertson.

I do know enough about him, though, that I was floored when I heard that he proclaimed that it was justifiable to divorce a spouse should he or she get Alzheimer's disease.

Last night, my singles group had a long discussion about it. We were all in agreement about the issue, surprisingly enough. (I thought for sure that there would be at least a couple people who disagreed). The general consensus of my group was that while YES, Alzheimer's is a horrible disease, it is NOT a reason to divorce your spouse. After all, don't most marriage vows contain the phrase (or something similar to it), "For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickeness and in health, 'til death do us part"?

We all tried to put ourselves on both sides of the situation. If we were the person with Alzheimer's, we wouldn't want our spouse to divorce us. We agreed that maybe that is selfish, but marriage is a covenant, and it's not going to always be fun or easy. If our spouse was the one with Alzheimer's, we also agreed that we would need to remain married and faithful to him/her. If we weren't willing to deal with the possibility of a tragic, debilitating accident or illness, we shouldn't have married the person in the first place.

What do you all have to say on this topic? Is a Christian free to divorce a spouse who has Alzheimer's Disease?

I'm not trying to start any heated arguments, and I'm not addressing divorce in general...only divorce because of Alzheimer's. I'm simply curious about what other people think!

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 12 Oct, 2011 05:59 PM

That's a positively disgusting idea.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 17 Oct, 2011 06:09 PM

Absolutely not. That is when your spouse needs your love and care the most.

I have seen my grandfather die of Alzheimer's. It is a terrible thing and I would want any person in this world to go through that or watch someone you love go through that.

My grandmother stayed by his side, through the good times and bad, and in sickness and in health. That is true love. My grandfather died with he sons by his side, my mother (his daughter) holding his hand, and his wife across his heart. That is family. That is a love. That is marriage.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 9 Nov, 2011 07:17 PM

No, I would not. At least I pray I would not. It's because of what the Lord has taught me about relationships and what's most important. The bible says we are to be willing to lay our life down for a friend. Who is a better friend than your spouse, or they should be. I know many relationships are less than what some of us would want but is it about wants or is it about a committment before God?

I am the woman at the well and I can tell you how "not" to do a relationship. I've been saved since I was 41 and I am 58 now. I have been divorced 14 years. I did relationships wrong before and after being saved. But if God ever blesses me with another I pray to practice all He has taught me.

God bless, denise, ysic

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 12 Nov, 2011 09:20 AM

The prosperity gospel Pat has immersed himself with is rather self centered. So goes to figure he would have a self centered view of Alzheimers and divorce. He seems to be endorsing conditional love with this view...contrary to what he has preached for years about agape love. The phrase "you shall know them by their fruit" comes to mind here.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 12 Nov, 2011 09:34 AM

Lol, I didn't answer the question. No I wouldn't divorce a spouse who had Alzheimer's because I would be short circuiting God's program to perfect love in me. This development in my spouse is no surprise to Him. Sure His desire is to bless me with things that are enjoyable but He also blesses me with trials that make me stronger and looking more like Him. Someone in my small group brought up a statistic that the average person will experience suffering 65% of their life. And God promises to be with us in the suffering. I believe on the cross he experienced Alzheimer's and the rejection of a loved one for having the desease. So if God emptied Himself of all entitlement to bear our sins and deseases why shouldn't we who bear His likeness do the same. Isn't that glorifying God to do what He would do?

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 17 Nov, 2011 09:24 PM

No, it is not a reason to divorce your spouse. There is only one acceptable to God. And if a person divorces because of such a thing, where is the love of God. How would they like it if Jesus decided to divorce us with all our moral failures. Where would we be?

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 21 Nov, 2011 07:56 PM

This is a very interesting q, but one EASILY resolved. Is anyone STUDYING the Lord's Word and not JUST reading it? I don't remember the bible giving ANY "ACCEPTABLE" reasons for divorce, only "PERMISSABLE" ones. Example, the Lord "permits" us our free will, but it in NO WAY means He "accepts" our decisions, thus the NEED for grace and mercy. There is ONLY ONE eternal marriage; Christ to His church. We are SUPPOSED to live by His example, and He told His bride " I WILL NEVER LEAVE OR FORSAKE YOU". A spouse who owe's you nothing( for ALL belongs to God, and we will be ETERNALLY in His debt.But we r told to do EVERYTHING as unto CHRIST, Who has paid that debt) commits adultery, and we seek to put them away because of OUR OWN UNFORGIVENESS (4 if you TRULY 4gave them, then there is no more reason to put them away). YET, ALL of us have at one time or another fallen short in our walk with Christ...yet HE and the FATHER REMAIN FAITHFUL. My final comment is this,many of US need to stop responding with such mean-spirited and disrespectful comments,let's grow up. said with love and respect 4 U all.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 22 Nov, 2011 01:42 PM

Seems like it would be really personal due to the specifics of the relationship. Kind of strange to go tearing through the Bible like you're heading to fight a speeding ticket.

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 23 Nov, 2011 02:48 PM

ok so i had a lil funny haha,moment taking a realistic look at this,in this day and age,one might have to divorce their life partner simply because they need the gov't financial assistance to take care of their beloved,and the govt will not pay You a penny to take care of Your relatives...and more and more often we are seeing that regardless of how long You have had Your insurance policy ,insurance companies are saying, we do not cover this,and we do not cover that,and this and that requires a

co-pay",so i guess if i had to choose between seeing my beloved not getting the care they need vs divorcing them?guess we would just be living in sin...

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Would YOU divorce a spouse because of Alzheimer's?
Posted : 26 Nov, 2011 01:58 PM

All the more reason for seperate civil and religious standards if neither can be consistant.

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