Author Thread: Hatred

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Posted : 10 Aug, 2011 02:45 AM

Who are we as Christians to judge anyone? Did God give us that power to judge someone because of the sin in their lives? All sin is the same, none worse than the other ( except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ). God can forgive all sin! Shouldn't we give homosexuals that chance instead of just condemning them to the fiery pits? They can repent just like any other sinners! I am fed up with this christian hatred of gays, instead of hating them we should be trying to save them, that's what Jesus would do if he were still on this earth today!

I realize this is a repost of mine, but I would like to elaborate.

I believe hatred to be a sin. Throughout the bible we are commanded to love. We are commanded to be Christ-like, would Christ hate someone for the sin they commit? He does hate sin, but he loves all of us! We have all fallen short to the glory of God. What then gives us the right to hate one another, we are all sinners, but through repentance we are redeemed! We are all given the same chance to turn away from sin, Jesus died for our sins, so that we could enter into heaven and have life everlasting. I pray that this opens someones understanding, in Jesus' name.

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Posted : 16 Aug, 2011 10:29 PM


I have one word to add to your statements.....


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Posted : 25 Aug, 2011 02:15 PM

cobbler : Jeff is of the devil.

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Posted : 3 Sep, 2011 01:04 PM

I believe that there are natural born homosexuals just as there are natural born killers/murderers. The society doesn't allow those natural-born killers to run free like lions and tigers. They have to be tamed. So like-wise, those natural-born homosexuals can also be re-educated if they so wish.

There are also people who suffers from mythomania (compulsive lying disorder) since birth. Should we not help them to stop lying? The Bible said very clearly liars cannot enter the kingdom of God.

I believe they can be helped through prayers. And believe just because they are born such like such doesn't mean they should be what they were born. It's simple. If an infant was born to die due to for example, Addison's disease. Should we let the infact die or should we try to reverse the illness so the baby lives? If we must try so hard to reverse a physical illness, should we not also try hard to reverse a SPIRITUAL TERMINAL ILLNESS?

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Posted : 3 Sep, 2011 01:12 PM

We must not judge people but we must hate the sins. For the wage of sin is death.

People often confuse judgment with teaching and reproofing.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 2 Tim 3:16

If one tells another what's right or wrong based on the Scripture's teaching, is that judging a person or teaching a person?

To judge a person is to condamn the person to hell by passing a judgment that such a person belongs in hell. By saying, "You go to hell," for example, IS a JUDGMENT.

To tell one, "According to the Bible, fornication is sinful," is to tell the person that one needs to return to the way of the Lord.

Anyone can repent and turn back to God. No one is hopeless until God says so. Apostle Paul is one example from the Bible.

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