Author Thread: Hetereosexuality

Posted : 25 Jul, 2011 06:36 AM

If you're "straight" why do you spend so much time thinking about homosexuality? Of the 613 Commandments in Judaism, "no homosexual acts" is just 1. And if only 5-10 percent of a given sample is homosexual, and because of persecution they're probably not in your churches anyway, is it really such a pressing issue? Could it be that since they're not in the front row listening to you you feel it's okay to persecute, condemn, threaten, and in some countries (like Nigeria and, if they get their way, Uganda) execute them for it? Or could it be even simpler and the most vocal opponents of homosexuality are just closet-cases who despise themselves?

Yes, homosexual acts are a sin. But so is working on the Sabbath (Friday sundown to Saturday sundown,) leaving your home on the Sabbath, and ANY premarital sexual relations. Before condemning others for their sins, take a look in the mirror.

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Posted : 29 Jul, 2011 03:23 PM

Jeff, let me ask you a very important question. Are you a Christian?

From what you are stating, you come across as believing that Christianity is no different than any other belief, that it is simply a collection of ideas and rules laid down by man. You say that Buddhism is older than Christianity, but Christianity start at Genesis 1:1 In the beginning. There is nothing older than that.

If the Bible is nothing more than a collection of words written down by men, and they are not the Words of a living, eternal, infinite, omnipotent God, then what exactly is it that you believe in?

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Posted : 29 Jul, 2011 08:37 PM

The God I serve is the God of the universe since He created it.

Psalms 90:2 "Before the mountains were brought forth or ever thou hafar formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God."

And His Word although not written down on earth was written before time began...

Psalms119:89 "Forever, O Lord, thy word is settled in Heaven."

Just because someone does not believe in God doesn't mean He isn't God. If there was a medical epidemic and a cure was available, if you had the disease and did not take the medicine wouldn't mean the disease was not real or the medicine would not work.

We all suffer from the disease of sin, God has the cure...His only begotten Son, Jesus, and it's up to each of us to accept the cure. If we do not, we will die from the disease.

I recommend the book "A Case for Christ" written by Lee Strobel. He approached the reality of Christ as the Messiah/Savior as a lawyer. He looks at very type of challenge

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Posted : 9 Aug, 2011 04:07 PM

You know you said laws about not killing each other etc are sensible laws?

Well going by the physical bodies that a man and woman posses I would have said that you shouldn't need the Bible or a GCE in biology to work out that being a homo isn't exactly sensible.

Especially bearing in mind that general hygiene levels were probably not that great until the 20th century.

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Posted : 9 Aug, 2011 04:07 PM

You know you said laws about not killing each other etc are sensible laws?

Well going by the physical bodies that a man and woman posses I would have said that you shouldn't need the Bible or a GCE in biology to work out that being a homo isn't exactly sensible.

Especially bearing in mind that general hygiene levels were probably not that great until the 20th century.

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