Author Thread: Proper Christian behavior

Proper Christian behavior
Posted : 24 Jul, 2011 07:19 PM

i have been on various dating sites for a while ...I

never am at a loss for someone to talk to and i always get a lot of attention and requests to meet from men of all ages ...:angel:

but what bugs me no end, is the rampant epidemic of men :devil:

who think it is perfectly fine to actually put an age range of women 15 , 20 and thirty years younger than they are ... :toomuch::toomuch::toomuch::toomuch::toomuch::toomuch:

there is nothing Christianly about old men

seeking baby girls who could easily be their daughters...

and many of those men send me mail , and inquire of me, :toomuch::toomuch::toomuch::toomuch:

and when i read the age range , i see it all plain and clear :rolleyes:

i see who has maturity :applause:

and who is only a sick legend in his own mind :devil:

i have met some young women who think it is ok to date a man way older...:rolleyes:

but those are only the women who are hard up ,

down on their luck , needing a home :rolleyes:

wanting a sugar daddy :devil:

or trying to leave an abusive situation :waving:

for men who think it is ok to seek out girls

who could be their daughters and granddaughters , t

hey are as sick in the head as they come

, and any one who inquires of me , with an age range including young baby girls old enough to be their granddaughters or women who could be their daughters ~

that raisesd major red flags & out of respect and protection of my Family i cannot get rid of the perverts fast enough ...

i would much rather stay alone , then be with a man who is in forever adolescent mode , an eternal teenager with raging hormones...maybe this is acceptable in the sinful world , :devil:

but it is entirely unacceptable of a man

who says he is a Christian

yet thinks it is fair game

to go after a very young lady ...:toomuch::toomuch::toomuch::toomuch:

and i know there are inappropriate females out there too,

who try to give good women a bad name ...:toomuch:

total cougars obsessed with baby boys

who could easily be their sons , :toomuch:

but i am not one of them , :angel:

i want a man closer in age to me , :hearts:

who has integrity and decency , is mature responsible :glow:

loyal , faithful and one who takes marriage seriously :applause:

and not a scammer , or a cheat ...:devil:

and really it is better to be alone than in poor company ,

and there sure is a lot of poor company out there ~

sad but true :rolleyes:

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Proper Christian behavior
Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 04:46 PM

well, fortunately loving coman has been banned from the site , :applause:

he was soo inappropriate :toomuch:

and i have asked that his forum posts be deleted ....:rocknroll:

Archimedes....Wasn't Archimedes the co star in Wild Wild West with Robert Conrad? I liked that show a lot ....:glow:

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Proper Christian behavior
Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 04:50 PM

actually i read that his name was Artemus Gordon :laugh:

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Proper Christian behavior
Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 04:53 PM


I believe you are speaking about

Artemis Gordon.

Arch Imedes was the Second Baseman for the '43' Chicago Cubs.

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Proper Christian behavior
Posted : 27 Jul, 2011 07:14 PM


i suppose my blonde roots are showing :laugh::laugh::laugh:

and i suppose you are going to try to sell me

beach front property in Montana too, right ? :nahnah:


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