Author Thread: Homosexuality

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Posted : 17 Jul, 2011 10:00 PM

Homosexuality is already finding its way into our churches and even our Biblical belief. Are we willing to fight it out and stand strong as true Christians or follow the masses and join in that stupid ideological system of equality. God condemns it, should we as Christians do the same? Homosexuality is an epidemic causing a lot of ravaging effect on the world at large. It is not a race, it's a choice. So why call the fight against it discrimination?

I would like to know what your opinions are concerning this. Please feel free to post your responses. This is a Christian site...we should speak with much boldness and not mince words!

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Posted : 10 Aug, 2011 01:49 AM

I agree with you teach! Since this guy reposted I will repost mine from the previous post!

Who are we as Christians to judge anyone? Did God give us that power to judge someone because of the sin in their lives? All sin is the same, none worse than the other ( except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ). God can forgive all sin! Shouldn't we give homosexuals that chance instead of just condemning them to the fiery pits? They can repent just like any other sinners! I am fed up with this christian hatred of gays, instead of hating them we should be trying to save them, that's what Jesus would do if he were still on this earth today!

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Posted : 17 Aug, 2011 12:11 AM


I disagree, not all sin is the same. Yes, all sin is a violation of God's law...but, certain sins were punishable on different levels. Some sins were punishable by death, and others were punishable by beatings as mentioned in the bible. I will say this...yes, I believe such an individual can repent...however, if they continue to live that kind of lifestyle afterwards, then they didn't truly repent...and in such case, I highly doubt that they would ever enter the kingdom of heaven...because it says in the bible that those who practice such things WILL NOT enter into the kingdom of heaven. But anyway, that's all I had to say about it. We should hate the sin, but love the sinner.

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