Author Thread: What does the Bible mean we are not to judge others?

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What does the Bible mean we are not to judge others?
Posted : 26 Jun, 2011 08:55 AM

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What does the Bible mean we are not to judge others?
Posted : 24 Jul, 2011 07:04 AM

The Bible says we ARE to correct each other, it is a sin if you do not. that doesn't mean you are to harass them about it. I think it says to tell them once or twice and then be on your way.

Didn't Jesus tell his disciples to do so and if the people didn't listen to dust the town dirt from their sandles and leave.

One should gently guide the sin in what is right. It is their free will in the end to decide.

Some real good answers on here!

Most people do not understand judging in the scriptures. But some people here do! Listen to the wise and gain knowlede.

Sticking your head in the sand and not telling someone "the way" is not being active for Jesus. And people will condemn you fro that. But, your eternal life is more important than saying nothing.

Don't be a passive christian.

And please don't use something to hit someone with to get the point across.

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What does the Bible mean we are not to judge others?
Posted : 23 Mar, 2012 12:17 PM

Hate the sin but love the sinner. XXX

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What does the Bible mean we are not to judge others?
Posted : 20 Aug, 2013 08:32 PM

I�m surprised and a bit saddened by how many watered down responses are given here by people claiming to be Christian yet I am encouraged by those here who clearly spend time in the Word

I was wondering where in the bible it says �don't judge� but if the ref is to "judge less you be judged" then i would say to read scripture in context. Scripture says things like "don't through pearls before swine" how can you not do that without making a judgment call? it says "JUDGE! less you be judged, it doesn't say "don't judge less you be judged" it's basically saying you will be judged in the same way you judged so be sure to do it as we are called to do everything we do -as according g to Scripture. Scripture is the final authority. Like someone else here said �judge rightly� is the key and that can only be achieved by the guidance of Scripture. Also to quote someone else on here �there is a difference between judging and condemning.� Great words to live by and to do so in love as we are all condemned without our savior Jesus Christ. : )

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What does the Bible mean we are not to judge others?
Posted : 20 Aug, 2013 08:34 PM


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