Author Thread: Worldly Music

Worldly Music
Posted : 9 Jun, 2011 10:50 PM

Should Christians listen to it on a daily basis? :rocknroll:

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Worldly Music
Posted : 13 Jun, 2011 08:11 AM

In my humble opinion, I enjoy all kinds of music (except hip-hop and rap)!!! I especially enjoy classic rock...Boston, etc. and if you listen to Kansas' lyrics, they are proufoundly spiritual.

I like to chill to all of it....I don't personally see anything wrong with it.

I write songs and play the guitar, and many are secular. Does that make me a "bad" child of God? I don't think so :-)

God bless! :angel:

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Worldly Music
Posted : 13 Jun, 2011 01:29 PM

I think it all depends on what the music is saying. On my ipod, it's about a 50/50 split between Christian and secular. And one of the only main reasons I listen to secular is because as a musician, I love a challenge when I play something (usually christian music is pretty basic, 4 chord melody and that's it). I listen to both on a daily basis. But as I said before it all depends on what the meaning behind the song is.

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Worldly Music
Posted : 14 Jun, 2011 07:07 PM

You girls play me some foot stomping tunes and I'll dance. :dancingp:

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Worldly Music
Posted : 15 Jun, 2011 07:21 PM

I realy havent listend to secular music since I changed my life over to god and have only been listening to klove and thehouse along with some christian artist on youtube. I think the only thing that would matter is the words and meaning of the songs.

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Worldly Music
Posted : 22 Jun, 2011 11:49 AM

Well the music and the instruments used are neutral (even the metals!), but it's the lyrics that exalt or offend God. I like some of the songs by Rock'n'Roll Worship Circus, Third Day, etc. right the way through to folk and country like Don Francisco - because even the style varies wildly, the words are good.

Now there's a lot of secular music I like the tune or beat of, but the words I won't sing because I know they're not good (Whips and chains for example)...

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