Author Thread: Children or God first ?

Children or God first ?
Posted : 31 May, 2011 12:23 PM

I understand that some men want to have kids and choose younger women even if they are over 50.

I understand that nature calling to have kids.

But if you truelly want to put God first and be like Him isn�t kids we should think about first of all.

God is a spirit and we should try to stay away from our flesh and body and be more in to our spirit and a spirit doesn�t care for kids first of all.

Why if you want to be like God or Jesus why are you running around and try to find a parent to your kids ?

Shouldn�t men in older age seek God and grow in Him more than to find a young woman to get kids with ?

I have start to think about this now when I am older and can see how few real men there is for us 55+ ...first was I angry when I saw men was looking for women 20-30 years younger than him but then did I start to think about it.

For me doesn�t it feel right when I have reached a high level and gain so much knowledge from God. I know that God want me to talk about this for you to see how wrong it is....

I can tell that many people are not so far from the life that none believer have....

Most Christian people WANT to have a family with their own kids.

Did jesus had kids ? Was he married ? Was he ever looking for to be like everyone else ?

I hope you understand what I am talking about here.

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 2 Jun, 2011 09:15 AM

The man that dare to know me will be so much about me be known to be powerful, bold and proud in my flesh because I am the opposite.

I am bold and proud to be in the level I am in when it comes to the spiritworld.

I have many interests in the world like webdesign, graphic design, photography, travelling, walking outside to the sea and fishing.

I love music and I like to play some small games on my computer and I breed cats and sell them to happy people.

My God doesn�t forbid me to drink so I can take a pina colada sometimes or a nice wine.

There is a time to be in the world and a time to be in the spirit....

I never talk about God to people that not want it but I make it clear for them what I believe in and who I am so they know they can come to me if they are interested to know more about the Bible and God.

I never talk about computer things when I am with people to have fun if they not clearly tell me they are interested because it can be very boring for them that not know computer so much.

I have two kids that take me back to earth if I should leave it .... young people live much on earth and very much here and now....

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 2 Jun, 2011 12:25 PM

"I breed cats and sell them to happy people."


I laugh cause I do the same thing with horses, the breeding part is easy, finding happy people to sell them to is not always so easy!

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 2 Jun, 2011 02:07 PM

question: what spiritworld are you talking about?

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 2 Jun, 2011 02:08 PM

A cute kitten can�t anyone stay cool in front of..... as soon I see the kitten do they bring a smile in my face

I have not breed any horses because they are not allowed in an apartment here in Sweden....

I mybe can sneak them into my home and let one live in the bathtube and the other walking around with a bucket under his tale....

well..... after thinking deep do I think I prefer to breed cats...:laugh:

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 3 Jun, 2011 02:44 AM

I get the same feeling, river.


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Children or God first ?
Posted : 3 Jun, 2011 03:23 AM

I don�t cast pearl to swine.....

What I mean with this is that it�s to much to explain for those that am far from my experiences of God and those spirits and angels God have around Him.

I don�t point on anyone here.

I will explain for them that am serious to want to know what I am talking about but I can feel that some people want to make a joke of me and what I know about God and heaven.

God tell us to be wise and not foolish so I don�t go there...sorry

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 3 Jun, 2011 08:24 PM

How do you witness to people?

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 5 Jun, 2011 02:47 PM

How I witness to people ?

I am in Sweden and we don�t talk about God so much to people around us and people we meet that we don�t know.

Only 48% in Sweden do believe in SOME SORT of God and mostly is it in nature they believe in.

But I am not frighten to talk about God. I talk about God to muslims also that we have much of in my city and I think they are going in to a shock that I dare to talk about Jesus and God to them but so far have they not hurted me.

I put in God or Jesus in a normal talk so they can hear that I believe in God and I open my door to them to come to me if they have any question or a problem they want me to answer at.

I have a visitcard to give to people where they can call or visit my website where I talk about God. I have a Domain made only for God.

I have a channel on Internet where I have videos where I am talking about my experiences about God.

I know I have saved some young peoples life because they have wrote me back and told me.

I am also a winess in myself because I am retired because I have all kind of pain a person can have and should have been in wheelchair but I am walking around like anyone else, thank you God. I have a big listner group in the hospitals because they can tell I should look much worse and I tell them that I have a comfort and a great hope in my GOD.

I tell them that God make me not be laying in a bed or be in a wheelchair.

Then also is it truelly amazing how God is sending me people who I lay hands on and heal and I can tell about God.

I have painted one of my walls in my living-room with Jesus, how he looked like the first time I saw him and people ask me whom is this person on my wall and I can tell.

I breed cats and have Bible studies in my home so there is many people that visit me and I have witness to all of them.

They listen because I look like a normal woman and talk so people understand and not with special Bible words ..... I get extra attention when I tell them that I am 58 because people think I am not over 40 and most people want to look young so they want to know my secret.....

In some way is it God but I have never smoked and don�t drink much and eat healthy.....and then did my parents look young but I use this with age to talk about God believe in God make you look younger...I think God don�t mind that I say so to people because it�s some true in it.

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 5 Jun, 2011 11:17 PM

Can't put my finger on it but something not quite right. Thank God for Jesus.:angel:

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Children or God first ?
Posted : 6 Jun, 2011 11:53 AM

It�s really not a matter of whether God �expects� us to have children, since He is sovereign and omniscient and knows who will and who won�t have children.

The Bible does tell us that children are a blessing from God �Sons are a heritage from the Lord, children a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate.� .(Psalm 127:3-5) God blesses parents with years of enjoyment with their children that can hardly be compared to anything else. God declares that children are a blessing. But this does not mean that God withholds blessings from those without children. It simply means children are to be looked upon as a blessing, not an inconvenience.

From the stories of Hannah and Sarah and many other examples, we can see that God is in sovereign control of all circumstances of life, including the birth of children.

The Bible does not lay out a step-by-step order for family relationship priorities but we can still look to the Scriptures and find general principles for prioritizing our family relationships. God obviously comes first: �Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.� (Deuteronomy 6:5) All of one�s heart, soul, and strength is to be committed to loving God, making Him the FIRST priority.

If you are married, your spouse comes next. A married man is to love his wife as Christ loved the church (Ephesians 5:25). Christ�s first priority�after obeying and glorifying the Father�was the church. God first, then his wife. In the same way, wives are to submit to their husbands �as to the Lord� (Ephesians 5:22). The principle is that a woman�s husband is second only to God in her priorities.

If husbands and wives are second only to God in our priorities, and since a husband and wife are one flesh (Ephesians 5:31), it stands to reason that children should be the next priority. Parents are to raise godly children who will be the next generation of those who love the Lord with all their hearts (Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4), showing once again that God comes first.

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