Author Thread: Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?

Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 28 May, 2011 05:52 AM

I've heard alot of arguements both ways.

Pants are sensible so their okay.

Pants are bad because they show your shape.

Skirts are good because they're modest.

Skirts can be more imodest then pants.

I'm just looking for some serious opinions on what seems to be a very debated topic for today's christian woman

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 1 Jun, 2011 08:16 PM

I think the Bible tells us that we are not to be stumbling blocks to each other, so maybe the question you have to ask is whether or not what you are wearing could be a stumbling block to men. Unfortunately, I don't think it matters much what you wear because many men haven't the skills or ability to control their thoughts or look at women as sisters and not objectify them. Do what you are responsible for and don't worry about what other's are responsible for. You don't have to answer to Gopd for other people's thoughts or feelings so do what you know is right and let God take care of the rest.


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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 2 Jun, 2011 05:31 PM

piona gal that sounds like the guy across the street from me.He walks around with his woman and both their pants hangs half way down their behinds. One day as a drove by his trailer I saw way too much of his backside.:ROFL:

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 7 Jun, 2011 02:59 PM

I think you should dress for the occasion.....and the climate/weather, etc. Neither is a matter of "what a Christian should wear"

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 9 Jun, 2011 02:28 AM

By skirt do you mean dress?

Does it matter?

If it does matter to you, theres the modesty issue; sometimes one can confuse a skirt with a top.

Wheres the heart at? Are you doing it to look attractive, alluring, comfortable? I think there is a balance issue here as myself God made us to appreciate woman as He did woman men.

Do appreciate that if you are wearing revealing outfits that guys are probably going to be lusting after you. But wheres the line? A burka? Or perhaps even hidden view... Although what a lady wears may not help, this is an isue that guys have to overcome.

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 24 Jun, 2011 01:15 PM

I'm definitely against skirts - I'd never wear one! Mind you, I think that's just blokes in general (except maybe the Scots...)

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 25 Jun, 2011 12:39 PM

A woman can be Modest in Pants are Shirts.

I have seen many women not Modest in some Shirts.:rolleyes:

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 26 Jun, 2011 04:03 AM

...''Pants or skirts''...''Male of Female'' in all be modestly dressed so that you don't lead other people to sin...if you know that you are a child of God then you will realize that ''YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF GOD'' so how do your keep the temple of the Most High God??? clean? dirty? stripped off?? naked?? or half nude?? decent?? or immoral?? my dears, it is only you that can be the judge...your conscience will speak to you...if you'll listen...Stay blessed...

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 26 Jun, 2011 10:29 AM

Thank you for the great question. There was a time around the world when women and men wore gender specific clothing. Some still do. In the USA, the women had long skirts and the men has long pants. They layered their clothing when it was cold. They played sports and did many activities dressed like this. When did this all change? I believe when we made God's views a priority after our own.

It is important for us to be modest, yes, and also to dress who we are, because the Lord said it is an abomination to do otherwise. We need to continue to keep God's feelings #1 if we desire to have a deep relationship with Him. He said if we draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. Not just in dress, but in everything in our lives; holy values like love, peace, grace, compassion, mercy...

I enjoyed reading the responses and different view points. Thank you for allowing me to post as well. May God bless you!

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Skirts or pants? does it really make a difference?
Posted : 3 Jul, 2011 09:16 AM

There's a commandment not to cross-dress or to deliberately cause another to think you're the opposite gender (presumedly relating to the sin of homosexual sexual contact.) This is I'd think where a woman's prohibition (in some circles) to wear pants comes from. Though in our society, they don't do so trying to make anyone think they're a man so it doesn't violate the commandment. Full dragqueen attire if they're not letting you know they're dragqueens probably would, but short of that it isn't a sin.

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