Author Thread: Drinking, how much is to much?

Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 25 May, 2011 02:49 PM

So I do not believe in drinking at all! Just a personal choice of mine.

We know the bible tell us not to be drunk.

"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess" (Ephesians 5:18 KJV)

I used to drink allot before I found the Lord, which is prob. why I won't drink a drop today.

Some people drink in moderation, but how much is to much?

Those that do drink socially, or 1 or 2 on occasion, how can you tell when to stop before you become drunk?

When you start feeling the effects aren't you already DRUNK with wine?

Keep in mind we are not talking about if Jesus drank what we call wine or what they called fruit juice. Arguing this is like arguing abortion with a liberal it wont get any of us anywhere.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 8 Jun, 2011 12:53 PM

Thanks for sharing your views.

I just ran across this very thing while doing a search. I found that quite a few men were not coming up on my advanced search due to my preferences of not drinking. I then thought it would be ok, if they drank a few, like was said it is between them and G-d, but I don't drink and after abusing alcohol years ago, I don't want to put my self in an uncomfortable position or subject to temptation. I guess it is an individual choice, but I think there are some men I might be missing out on due to the drinking status, however, I do not want to violate my principles either.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 8 Jun, 2011 07:51 PM

I agree with what you are saying, shalom.

I was talking with a man from this site for a few weeks via messages, then we began chatting by phone. Things went badly quite fast- as he began to insist that he was in love with me and I was the one for him; but the scariest moment was when he said he thought that "I'd make the perfect slave." eek. :excited:

He continued to call {I didn't answer}, and left multiple messages- the last of which were two messages where he was quite drunk {even though his profile stated he didn't drink.}

Being around an alcoholic father led me to vow as a very young kid that I would never touch any alcohol and I never have ... but, it's extremely difficult for me to even be around someone who is even slightly intoxicated.

So ... Hmm? How do you and I handle the "do you drink" question? :rolleyes:

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 9 Jun, 2011 01:47 AM

My best friend who is an alcoholic and I explored this. For him one was too many, so I pretty much stopped drinking. But the where I came to, was when it started to affect your decision making capacities.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 9 Jun, 2011 04:44 AM

I appreciate your input...

Live and learn I guess, but it can be a tricky thing when they are not honest about it. Usually people that have a problem tend to hide it and deny it. I guess if they are up front and honest and it is infrequent it shouldn't create too much of a problem in a relationship. I don't think a drink or two on a holiday is really wrong, like was said before it is drunkeness that is wrong. Thanks for sharing your experience Lynne...stay safe.

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Drinking, how much is to much?
Posted : 26 Jun, 2011 05:26 AM

Too much of everything is bad...You can drink moderately and also have some self-control so as not to hurt the next person beside you either in words or actions. Like my brother-in-Christ rightly said, even gluttony is a sin in itself... when we do anything in excess it means that we are idolizing it...and idolatry is a sin...God abhors it...The scriptures says in {Proverbs 23:29-35}....

''Who has woe?

Who has sorrow?

Who has contentions?

Who has complaints?

Who has wounds without cause?

Who has redness of eyes?

Those who LINGER LONG at the WINE, Those who go in search of MIXED WINE... ''DO NOT LOOK ON THE WINE WHEN IT IS RED''

When it SPARKLES in the cup, When it SWIRLS around smoothly;


Your EYES will SEE STRANGE THINGS, and your HEART will utter PERVERSE THINGS...YES, you will be like one who LIES DOWN IN THE MIDST OF THE SEA, Or like one who LIES AT THE TOP OF THE MAST SAYING...

They have STRUCK ME, but I was not hurt; They have BEATEN ME, but I did not feel it...When shall I be awake, that I may seek another DRINK??

So simply put- Drink moderately/occasionally and know your LIMIT so that you know when to stop,don't get drunk and start blabbing or embarrassing/hurting your loved ones...SHALOM!!

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