Author Thread: i support barack obama

i support barack obama
Posted : 13 May, 2012 05:38 PM

And any decent human being would do the same. I am fed up with people who claim the name of Jesus but have no trouble at all supporting conservative candidates. It makes Christ look bad and it must stop

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 07:33 AM

Not a single one of those scriptures apply to abortion orneven come close. You are inferring abortion onto those scriptures based on YOUR OWN BELIEFS. Based on the premize that abortion qualifies as murder. One such premise exsists in scripture.

And what word games am i playing? Either something is in scripture or its not.......and abortion is not.

And lemme get this str8. Sonthe fetus/baby started off being an egg inside the woman, needs the woman to survive and grow, and is physically attached to the woman........but yet is not part of the woman????? Whos playing wotd games now?

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 10:57 AM

Are you willing to admit you were wrong about the bible specifically mentioning every sin? You have been shown to be wrong on the issue and you have not commented yet and I'm curious as to what you will say. Mind you, others are watching. Please be honest in your reply in your reply.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 11:02 AM

"Based on the premize that abortion qualifies as murder. One such premise exsists in scripture."

How difficult is it for you to understand that the taking of an innocent life is taught all throughout scripture. You deny it because you want to side with the "liberals". Your belief has nothing to do with scripture.

"And what word games am i playing? Either something is in scripture or its not.......and abortion is not."

The word game that abortion must specifically be mentioned for us to know it's a sin...which has been proven false and you've not replied to the proofs yet.

"And lemme get this str8. Sonthe fetus/baby started off being an egg inside the woman, needs the woman to survive and grow, and is physically attached to the woman........but yet is not part of the woman????? Whos playing wotd games now?"

Are you serious? How are you missing this? Did you at all read what she had to say? The baby is clearly inside the woman. God in His divine sovereignty has orchestrated that life be brought into this world by the mother carrying the child. That in no wake take the individualism away from the child. The child is being carried as a separate human, inside the mother. Scripture says "You formed ME in my mother's womb", not "You formed parts of my mother in her womb". These are not difficult things. You are running into some huge logical issues simply because you want to stick to your side.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 12:23 PM

Posted - "Not a single one of those scriptures apply to abortion orneven come close. You are inferring abortion onto those scriptures based on YOUR OWN BELIEFS. Based on the premize that abortion qualifies as murder. One such premise exsists in scripture."

I've noticed that you skirt the real issues presented you. Let me show you how the act of abortion does indeed make those Scriptures applicable -

Cursed [be] he that taketh reward to SLAY AN INNOCENT PERSON. And all the people shall say, Amen. - Deuteronomy 27:25

Is abortion not the killing of an innocent person? Does not the abortionist take money for his service?

These six [things] doth the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, AND HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD, - Proverbs 6:16-17

Is abortion the shedding of innocent blood at the hands of the abortionist and the woman who allows him to kill the child within?

THOU SHALT NOT KILL. - Exodus 20:13

Does abortion kill the life in the womb?

THOU SHALT NOT KILL; and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: - Matthew 5:21

Again, does abortion kill the life in the womb?

Thus saith the LORD; Execute ye judgment and righteousness, and deliver the spoiled out of the hand of the oppressor: and do no wrong, do no violence to the stranger, the fatherless, nor the widow, NEITHER SHED INNOCENT BLOOD IN THIS PLACE. - Jeremiah 22:3

Is abortion violence against the child in the womb? Is abortion the shedding of innocent blood?

If you answer 'no' to any of those questions, you know nothing of the procedure of abortion nor of the life that exists in the womb.

Posted - "And what word games am i playing? Either something is in scripture or its not.......and abortion is not."

You are saying that whenever the Bible does not specifically condemn something, it condones it. The Bible does not specifically condemn abortion by usage of the word abortion, therefore, and according to you, God condones it.

To show you how inane your thinking is, I threw the word embezzlement into the mix to show you how foolish such an argument is. The Bible does not specifically condemn embezzlement by specific usage of that word; you won't find it in Scripture, however, we know embezzlement is stealing and the Bible specifically says, "Thou shalt not steal." But according to your way of thinking, "either something is in scripture or its not...." Therefore, and according to you, embezzlement is something God condones.

Abortion kills a living human being. And again, God says, "Thou shalt not kill." If you think abortion is the exception to the rule because God doesn't specifically use the term abortion, I pity you on the day you stand before the Lord and have to explain why killing the unborn was Scriptural because God said nothing 'specifically' about it being wrong, and in all this you supported it, most likely even encouraged it by your admitting there is nothing sinful about it. God says, "choose life", you say 'choose death'.

Posted - "And lemme get this str8. Sonthe fetus/baby started off being an egg inside the woman, needs the woman to survive and grow, and is physically attached to the woman........but yet is not part of the woman????? Whos playing wotd games now?"

Are you really that dense? Is the patient who is on a vent in order to survive, part of that vent? Is the woman who chooses to never have a child missing a part of her body? Is the child post-partum, who continues to need its mother for nourishment in order to survive and grow, just as he did in utero, part of her body?

Read what HoldingOutHope wrote. You are really missing the issue big time. You don't see the individuality of the child that God has created. You see the child and mother as "one". A child's genetic code is distinctly different from its mother's, telling us there is a separate being. Everything about that child's makeup is separate and unique to him. As HoldingOutHope wrote, "The baby is clearly inside the woman. The child is being carried as a separate human, inside the mother." Being inside something is not the same as being part of something. The body of the child in the womb does not belong to the body of the woman carrying the child simply because of proximity, no more than being inside a house makes you a part of that house. Why is this such a difficult concept for you to grasp? Maybe you are so wrapped up in your side that you can't see the simple truth.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 01:56 PM

I am NOT gonna get into the abortion debate.

However, I am gonna applaud justchrist for saying our forefathers were not Christians.


Our forfathers were Pagans who were being forced my the Church of England to worship a "Christian" god in the proper Church of England way.

That's one "just one" of the reasons they came to America, and suffered hardships.

It is also the reason our forefathers fought a war, were willing to loose property and lives to say:


Google it, I dare ya!

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 02:03 PM

We know that a national religion cannot be established...this is not some eye opening thing.

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 06:22 PM

Excatly how am i playing word games. All i keep doing is asking yall for some scripture.

Also i was not wrong about the every sin in scripture thing. Everything you need for living and morality is in the bible. Period point blank end of story. Anything else would be MAN ADDING TO THE BIBLE. NOW we can go back and forth about abortion but to add to the bible is a much graver sin than anything else even if abortion were a sin. We dont get to make up sin any more than we get to make up anything else in the bible. When we do this is called LEGALISM

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 06:31 PM

Holdingouthope id like to shift the topic from abortion. For two reasons. First, even though abortion is not a sin, its really not a sin for you to believe otherwise.

Second theres a much deeper spiritual issue going on here. Holdingouthope if you are going to follow Jesus, you must understand that the bible is not the final authority is the ONLY authority. Brother you are to trust no one and no man and no thing over the bible. Jesus is your best friend, but while in this world the bible is your best friend in sight.

Whatever you feel about me please from now on trust the bible and only the bible for your walk with jesus. It truly is the only thing in this world you can fully trust

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 07:26 PM

Of course im serious holdingouthope. It is notnpossible to be inside a person, physically attached to a person, and have your survival depend on that person withlut being part of that person. What about thia are ylu NOT F@@@@N UNDERSTANDING????????

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i support barack obama
Posted : 30 May, 2012 07:38 PM

Savedinchrist i pity you to stand before god and tell him why you called a bunch of his people murderers because you wanted to add to scripture? And when God asks me why i supported choice i will be HAPPY to tell him that abortion was not mentioned in his word so i could not condemn it. Heck even if abortion is a sin what better excuse can you give god than that???

Are you really so dense as to think god didnt know this abortion issue would come up in the future after he had written his word? You saying god was to dumb or careless to condem something in scripture he hates????? What god are you pro lifr nuts worshipping?

Btw the bible does condemn embezzlement. Read deuteromony. Also holdingouthope i dont know what planey youre on but the only place youve proven me wrong is in your own head. Which reminds me.......


You know why you dont like me dont ya? Hildingouthope? It aint cuz of abortion.......its cuz i call you on your nonsense and dont take any guff from you

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